This Issue

Important Dates

  • 27 July

    Confirmation Commitment Weekend

  • 28 July

    Confirmation Commitment Weekend

  • 30 July

    Hymn Singing

  • 31 July

    CEWA RE Assessment Yr 3 9am

  • 31 July

    Yr 6 Confirmation Retreat Day 24.7

  • 31 July

    Confirmation Parent Workshop

  • 01 August

    Yr 3 Mass & Reconciliation

  • 01 August

    CEWA RE Assessment – Yr 5

  • 02 August

    Assembly 8.35am Years 3-6

  • 02 August

    BRLA catch up

  • 05 August

    Growth and Development Workshops -Family Life Education programs Period 1 & 2 Yr6

  • 05 August

    Growth and Development Workshops -Family Life Education programs Period 3 & 4 Yr5

  • 05 August

    Mary MacKillop Week Art Exhibition

  • 05 August

    F Meeting

  • 05 August

    Mary MacKillop Week Art Exhibition

From the Principal  – Term 1, Week 9

From the Principal – Term 1, Week 9

In the last newsletter I talked about the overall behaviour of our students, which is mostly very good. Like all schools, we do have a few issues with poor choices being made by the students from time to time. Please remember that when your child comes home with a report of an incident which happened at school, the first thing to do is to contact your child’s teacher. You must never confront the other student as no parent in our community would appreciate their child being approached by another parent. If the teacher can’t resolve the issue, then either myself or one of the Assistant Principals will step in. Having dealt with many issues in schools over the past 35 years, I have noticed a common theme, which is there are always three versions to every story. That is, Child A’s version, Child B’s version and somewhere in the middle are the facts. It is extremely important that the staff resolve any playground issues as we have a lot of experience in this area and we are not as emotionally invested as a parent would be, which means we can remain neutral and deal with the facts to resolve the issue in a restorative way.

School News

School News

  • Faction Swimming Carnival
  • Library News
  • Blue, Red and Purple Free Dress for Project Compassion
  • Uniform Shop
  • Canteen News
  • Uniform Shop
  • Second-Hand Uniforms
  • Campion Education
  • Community News





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