Assessment and Reporting Procedures
Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School delivers curriculum that is consistent with Church, system, state and federal government legislation and regulations, and curriculum bodies. Curriculum is implemented to meet the learning needs of all students and promote the integration of faith and life in the person, and culture and faith in society. The school sets out student assessment and reporting processes in line with School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) requirements.
Read the full Assessment and Reporting Procedures
Behaviour Support and Wellbeing Procedures
We strive to create an inclusive Catholic community where the message, practice and values of Jesus Christ, as proclaimed in the Gospels, are given practical expression. In this community the cooperation of each member is required in order to create the common good. Any behaviour that affects or endangers the well-being of the community needs to be addressed with Christ-like compassion.
Read the full Behaviour Support and Wellbeing Procedures
Dispute and Complaint Resolution Procedures
On occasions there may be disagreement with a decision and a dispute or grievance may arise within a Catholic school. The interactions and protocols of Catholic schools emphasise the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the individual. Catholic Education is committed to ensuring that disputes and grievances are dealt with fairly, objectively and in a timely manner, and that processes reflect the principles of participation, co-responsibility and subsidiarity.
Read the full Dispute and Complaint Resolution Procedures
Request for 3rd Party Clinical Access
Make a request using the linked Request to School for Clinical Access form. All requests must be made by the parent or guardian. External service providers cannot submit the request, even if they:
- are registered to provide services through the NDISor Medicare;
- are working with another student in the school; or
- provide services to another student in another CEWA school.”
View the Request to School for Third Party Clinical Access PARENT / GUARDIAN REQUEST FORM
View the External Service Providers in Schools PARENT INFORMATION
Student Attendance Procedures
School is compulsory from Pre-Primary until the end of secondary schooling. The School Education Act (1999) requires compulsory aged students to participate in the educational program of a school. Under Section 23 of The School Education Act 1999; A student must attend on the days on which the school is open for instruction.
Read the full Student Attendance Procedures