St Josephs Centre (SJC)
We recognise the uniqueness and innate dignity of each individual, and our responsibilities to those children in need of Special Education and support within the Catholic community.
The St Joseph Centre provides a Special Education Program, which strives to meet individual needs in Academic, Social/Emotional, Behavioural and Self Care Areas. Some students are withdrawn for individual teaching and skill building in key academic areas with support provided so that they may also access maximum participation in the mainstream setting. A number of students are supported entirely within the mainstream setting.
The SJC staff support a number of children with disabilities enrolled at Mary MacKillop. Two full time and two part time teachers as well as 10 full/part time Educational Assistants staff the St Josephs Centre, which caters for a wide range of physical and intellectual disabilities.
All children are on individual programs based on needs and mapped to Student Outcomes Statements. Individual Education Plans (IEP) are produced after consultation between parents, SJC teacher, mainstream teachers, relevant therapists and the Catholic Education Consultant. The children participate in all regular school activities such as Sacramental Programmes, camps, specialist curriculum areas, excursions and sporting events.
The enrolment of children to the special education centre is the same process as for all enrolments. As all children are enrolled into the regular class, a position must be available there before consideration of enrolment to the St Joseph Centre is made.
In the St Joseph Centre we liaise with:
- Parents
- Catholic Education WA
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Speech Therapists
- Disability Service Commission
- Local Area Coordinators
- Psychologists
- Doctors
The St Joseph Centre offers many different programmes they include:
- Peer Support
- Development/ Individual Education Plans in conjunction with parents
- Support Programmes for Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation
- Social Skills
- Cooking
- Fine and Gross Motor Skills
- Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP)
- Daily/Functional Skills
- Modified Classroom Programmes
- Music
- Health and Self Care
- Community visits
- Language and Communication
- Behaviour Management
- Developing work habits
- Recreational Skills
- Self-Organisation
- Money Skills
- Independence
For more information please contact MMCCPS Principal Mr Laurie Bechelli on 9241 7500 or Mrs Catherine Cutrona our Consultant for Students with disabilities in Catholic Education WA on 6380 5200.