The Arts
All students from Pre Primary to Year 6 take part in weekly Music classes with a specialist teacher. This involves engaging in a rich and diverse program that covers all aspects of the Music curriculum including concept development, responding to the Arts, Music in context, theory and practical components. During Music lessons, our students have the opportunity to work cooperatively and on their own to demonstrate their creative abilities through participation and performance.
School Instrumental Programme
Piano lessons with a specialist instrumental tutor are available during school hours. For further information, please contact our administration staff.
Catholic Performing Arts Festival
Our students proudly participate in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival which runs annually in Term 3. This gives children the unique opportunity to perform to a wide audience and involves over 18 000 Catholic school students each year. Our school choirs have enjoyed much success from their participation in the festival and many individual students enter the instrumental sections to showcase their talents.
Music Rocks Australia
We support the Music Rocks Australia program which enables students to collaborate with peers from a variety of year levels to develop and refine their instrumental skills and to rehearse and perform as a cohesive band.
Visual Arts
Students from Pre Primary to Year Six participate in Visual Arts lessons weekly with a specialist Visual Arts teacher. These lessons provide our students with the opportunity to explore the skills outlined in the Arts curriculum and encourages children to express their creativity through hands on participation and exploration in a vibrant and engaging setting.
Each year, we celebrate the endeavours and Art responses of our students with our annual Art exhibition which is a highlight for both our school and parish community.