This Issue

Important Dates

  • 20 September

    TERM 3 ENDS 2024

  • 20 September

    Assembly Years PP-2)

From the Principal  – Term 3, Week 5

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 5

Over the past two years, we have managed to run our wonderful P&F on a skeleton staff of just a Treasurer and a Secretary. We still don’t have a Chair or a Vice Chair. I am extremely grateful to our amazing super granny Allison Fox, who has stepped into the void as our Treasurer. Allison, along with Sam Somers (Secretary) have led our small but effective committee throughout this time. Sam has unfortunately stepped down from the role, and luckily, Kylie Whitehead has agreed to take over as our Secretary. We are not alone and many other schools are experiencing the same issues as most parents are busy working to pay the bills in these challenging economic times. However, the current model is unsustainable and at our last meeting we have come up with a new concept. From next year, we will be allocating year groups with certain roles. For example, every year, our Year 6 parents come together and organise the Graduation dinner which is always a wonderful event. Therefore, a note will be coming out soon with allocations for the main P&F events for each class. These events include the start of the year welcome, Easter raffle, Mother’s Day stall, Father’s Day stall and the disco. If nobody from the allocated year group steps up to organise the event, then we simply won’t be holding that event. We believe that this model will be more equitable than the current model where so few do so much work. Keep your eyes out for the flyer and please do your bit for our students, remembering the two main functions of the P&F are community building and a little bit of fundraising.

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