Enrolment Policy
Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School is a coeducational Catholic Primary School that follows the guidelines and policies set down by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia. Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary is a single stream school catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The Enrolment Policy of Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School is based on the Catholic Education Commission principle of striving to make Catholic schooling available to children whose parents wish for them to be educated in an environment which has the Gospel, including its values, and a Catholic ethos as its basis.PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION
- Application forms must be submitted for all children seeking enrolment in Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School. These forms are available from the school office.
- A copy of each child’s Baptismal Certificate, Birth Certificate and Immunization details must be attached to the application form when it is submitted.
- The Kindergarten is the initial enrolling year for the school.
- For students to be eligible for Kindergarten they must turn four (4) before 30 June.
- It is understood that enrolment in Kindergarten guarantees enrolment for Pre-Primary to Year 6.
- Applicants (Kindergarten only) will be invited to attend an interview usually mid May of the year receding enrolment.
- In the event that an applicant is advised that they will be placed on a waitlist, their position on the list will be maintained for 12 months. Written notification needs to be submitted annually in order to maintain the status of the application.
- The Application Fee of $35 is non-refundable and is no guarantee that the student will be enrolled at Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School, Ballajura.
- Interviews are required for all children prior to confirmation of enrolment at Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School.
- Parents will be notified of interview times by letter or phone.
- We invite the student being enrolled into the school to attend the interview.
- Letter from the Principal offering placement asking families to accept or reject offer.
- Parents/Caregivers are required to complete and sign the Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School Enrolment Agreement.
- A fee will need to be paid to secure the position offered and will be deducted from the child’s fees the following year.
When enrolling students consideration is given to the following in priority:
- Catholic students from the Ballajura Parish with a Parish Priest reference.
- Catholic students from outside the Parish with a Parish Priest reference.
- Other Catholic students.
- Siblings of non-Catholic students.
- Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations.
- Other Non-Catholic students.
- The Principal in conjunction with the Parish Priest has discretion for the enrolment of special cases.
- No enrolment application is refused on the basis of financial hardship.
- Parents are advised that enrolment at Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School does not guarantee automatic entry to Catholic Secondary Schools.
- Completion of a Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School Enrolment Form and acceptance of the application by the school does not guarantee a place at the school nor does it guarantee an enrolment interview.
- Enrolment at Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School is not a guarantee of enrolment in any other Catholic school.
- If a parent or guardian has knowingly withheld information relevant to the application/enrolment process then the Principal reserves the right to refuse, or terminate enrolment on that ground; Special attention to the “AGREEMENT” section of the Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School Enrolment Form must be noted and signed.