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  • 20 September

    TERM 3 ENDS 2024

  • 20 September

    Assembly Years PP-2)

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 5

Aug 17, 2022

Term Three is traditionally a time of celebration in our beautiful community. Not long ago, we celebrated Mary Mac Week. This week, it’s Book Week. This weekend, it’s the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Year 6 students and before long, it will be our annual faction carnival, the Performing Arts Festival for our choir and the EduDance concert. And somewhere in between, we will manage to fit in our usual teaching and learning programme!

Resilience Reflection The way we are, ripples out and affects others!

Book Week As usual, we will celebrate and encourage a love for reading amongst our students during Book Week. Last week, Mrs Glenister and her team of helpers organised a superb Book Fair which was well attended by our families and lots of books were sold. All money raised goes straight back into our Library with the purchase of more books for our students. This week, our students got to listen to James Foley who is an author of children’s books. They also get to dress up for the awesome Book Week parade at the assembly on Friday morning. Please note, there won’t be any certificates this week due to the length of the parade. Also, we ask parents not to spend too much money on costumes. Often the best ones are made for free from items around the house. Feel free to be as creative as you like.

Confirmation This weekend will be a very special time for our Year 6 students as many of them will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. For most of them, their parents made the choice to get them baptised when they were younger. However, this time, it is their own decision to receive the final Sacrament of Initiation and thus, they will be considered as adults in the Church. Please keep our Year 6 students and their families in your prayers this weekend.

Performing Arts Festival Earlier this year, with all the disruptions caused by Covid, I wasn’t sure whether we would have a choir ready to participate in the Performing Arts Festival. However, I’m pleased to say that Mrs Mouchmore and Mrs Tucker have been preparing our choir to perform at the Vasto Club in Balcatta on Tuesday 23 August from 11.15am. This is a really exciting time for our students and I’m sure they will do their very best as they represent our school.

School Photos I distinctly remember walking into the hall earlier this year and getting my photo taken, only to be told a short time later that the photographers had to pack up and leave as we had a number of students with Covid in the school. We have finally rebooked our school photos for Monday 22 August and Friday 26 August. Please make sure your children come to school looking their best those days with their full winter uniform worn correctly.

Assumption Mass All parents and grandparents are welcome to join us at the whole school Mass this Thursday 18 August where we will celebrate the assumption of Mary, body and soul, into Heaven. This used to be a holy day of obligation (in the olden days) where schools were closed so everyone could go to Mass. It starts at 8.45am in the Church.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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