This Issue

Important Dates

  • 20 September

    TERM 3 ENDS 2024

  • 20 September

    Assembly Years PP-2)

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 1

Apr 17, 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to another busy and slightly longer school term! This year, we have some important milestones to celebrate in our community. We have the 35th anniversary of our parish coming up and Fr John has organised a bush dance on our oval and in our hall this Friday evening 19 April from 6 pm to about 8.30 pm (it’s also Fr John’s birthday). The Mucky Duck Bush Band will be providing the entertainment and there will be a sausage sizzle and “food trucks” too. As well as this, some of our students will be assisting Fr John with the unveiling of his new statues. Hopefully, we can get lots of families coming along to join in the fun.

Then on Saturday 27 April, we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Church building with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Costelloe at 6 pm. Fr John is organising a dinner after Mass and asks that you phone him on 9249 1247 to let him know if you are coming.

Finally, on Saturday 31 August, Fr John celebrates his 50th anniversary of priesthood. This is a mighty effort and most of those years have been served here in our community. I will have more details closer to the date, so please put it in your diary for now.

Empathy Reflection If there is any one secret to success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from their angle as well as your own.

ANZAC Day Please note that ANZAC Day falls on Thursday 25 April. This is a public holiday, however, Friday 26 April is still a regular school day and students are required to attend school that day. We will be holding a small ceremony in the hall at 2.10 pm on Wednesday 24 April. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to attend.

Winter Uniform Please remember that we allow a two-week transition period at the start of Term 2 into the winter uniform as the weather can still be quite warm.

Kindergarten 2025 Places are filling fast, and if you have a younger child who is due to commence next year, please let the front office staff know as a high priority as we don’t want anyone to miss out.

Code of Conduct Reminder All parents are reminded that everyone in our community is required to follow the CEWA Code of Conduct which is in place to protect us and make our school a safe and welcoming place for all. Unfortunately, when this code is not adhered to, conflicts can arise, making people feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Please remember to always treat everyone with courtesy and respect at all times. The Code of Conduct is on the school’s website for you to read in full anytime. I will place segments of it in the newsletter each fortnight as a reminder. It is in everyone’s best interests that the Code is always adhered to.

Conduct Statement 7:  You give and seek the best, honest and most accurate information about the education and care of all students.

Yours sincerely

Laurie Bechelli

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