Dear Parents and Caregivers
This Friday 3 May, our interschool swimming squad will get the opportunity to do their very best against seven other Catholic schools at Challenge Stadium in Mt Claremont. The bus will be leaving school at 7.40am so we need all members of the squad in the front car park at 7.30am please. Mr Boyce has sent home all the details and I wish our team all the best for the day. I’m sure they will represent our school in the right manner. As usual, all parents and grandparents are welcome to come along and support our athletes.
Empathy Reflection Empathy has no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting and communicating that incredibly healing message that you are not alone.
Sacraments This will be a busy term in our parish as this year we are doing both First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in the coming weeks. It starts with the First Holy Communion Commitment Mass on the weekend of May 4 and 5. Those students then have their retreat on Tuesday May 7 with the Parent Information Night following on Wednesday May 8. Please note in your diaries that the Masses to celebrate the Year 4 students’ First Holy Communion will be held on May 25 and 26. Please keep all of our students in your prayers during this special time.
Mother’s Day This is always a special event in our community! This year, our wonderful P&F will be holding their Mother’s Day stalls in the classrooms on Wednesday May 8 and Thursday May 9 (a note will be sent home with all the details). We will then hold a whole school Mass in our Church on Friday May 10 at 8.45am. All mothers and grandmothers are invited. At the conclusion of Mass, everyone is invited into our staffroom for morning tea. I’m sure we will once again get a bumper crowd. I also take this opportunity to wish all of our amazing mothers, all the very best for this Mother’s Day. What would we do without you?
Staffing Update Please join me in congratulating Mrs Deb Harris as she has accepted a position at St John Paul II Catholic Primary School in Banksia Grove starting from May 13. Deb has been a part of our community for the past 16 years and we will be sad to see her leave, whilst knowing at the same time, this is a wonderful opportunity for her. She will be especially missed by the students and staff in the St Joseph Centre where she has done a marvellous job all these years. All the best for the future Deb!
School Advisory Council and P&F Meetings These will both be held on Monday 13 May with the P&F commencing at 8.45am and the SAC at 6.00pm. Both meetings will be held in the staffroom.
Kindergarten 2025 Places are filling fast, and one class is already full. If you have a younger child who is due to commence next year, please let the front office staff know as a high priority as we don’t want anyone to miss out.
Code of Conduct Reminder All parents are reminded that everyone in our community is required to follow the CEWA Code of Conduct which is in place to protect us and make our school a safe and welcoming place for all. Unfortunately, when this code is not adhered to, conflicts can arise, leading to people feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. Please remember to always treat everyone with courtesy and respect at all times. The Code of Conduct is on the school’s website for you to read in full at any time. I will place segments of it in the newsletter each fortnight as a reminder. It is in everyone’s best interests that the Code is always adhered to.
Conduct Statement 8: You support all members of the school community in making informed decisions about the students.
Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli