Dear Parents and Caregivers
I am currently with the Year 6 students at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp in Hillarys. Without fail, it is always the highlight of the year for the students as it is a positive experience where they will be very active doing great things like archery, rock wall climbing, a big swing from 10 metres in the air, a flying fox, caving, BMX riding and lots and lots of teambuilding activities. At least two of the days on camp go from 9am to 9pm! The students will come home on Friday exhausted but buzzing with excitement after overcoming many of their fears in a safe, yet challenging way.
Long Weekend/Catholic Day This weekend is a long one as we celebrate Foundation Day. We will make it an extra long weekend by having our annual Catholic Day on Tuesday 4 June. I think this extra break will be welcomed by everyone as we are in the midst of an extra long school term. Please spare a thought for the teachers as many of them will be using this time to finish writing their reports for me to read through. Every year, I read each child’s report, which is always very satisfying as so many of them are doing so well. School resumes for all students next Wednesday 5 June as we are closed on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 June.
Empathy Reflection Q. How many times in the Gospels does Jesus say to us, “Come follow me” (I came to serve, not to be served). A. 17 times. Q. How many times in the Gospels does Jesus say, “Come worship me”. A. 0 times.
First Reconciliation On Saturday 8 June from 8am, our students will make their First Reconciliation with Fr John. The Year 3 teachers will send further details home soon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Maxwell, Mrs Robertson and Miss Koncurat for preparing our students so well. It promises to be a very special time for them.
School Photos Please note in your diaries that school photos are scheduled to take place on Monday 10 June and Wednesday 12 June. All the details will be sent home separately. Please make sure your children are wearing their full winter uniform correctly on these days.
Staffing Update Mrs Sharon Wills will be on leave next semester and we welcome Mrs Teresa Fisher into the St Joseph Centre to replace her. Teresa is currently teaching at Our Lady of Grace in North Beach. As well as this, Miss Eimear Millane will be leaving our community next Friday 7 June. Mr Chris Smith will be taking over as the teacher in 4B for the remainder of the year. Chris is a very experienced teacher who has worked in a number of Catholic schools over the years. Also, we have employed Mrs Angelique Beaven–Davis as an education assistant to work with our students who come from a non English speaking background. I’m sure you will make our new staff members feel welcome in our beautiful community. At the same time, we thank those leaving us for their efforts and contributions, and we wish them all the best.
Kindergarten 2025 Places are filling fast, and one class is already full. If you have a younger child who is due to commence next year, please let the front office staff know as a high priority as we don’t want anyone to miss out. We think there are about 10 siblings who we don’t have on our books and we are keen to get them all enrolled asap please.
Code of Conduct Reminder All parents are reminded that everyone in our community is required to follow the CEWA Code of Conduct which is in place to protect us and make our school a safe and welcoming place for all. Unfortunately, when this code is not adhered to, conflicts can arise, leading to people feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. Please remember to always treat everyone with courtesy and respect at all times. You are reminded that you should never approach another parent’s child if you are unhappy with something. Only staff members can do this. The Code of Conduct is on the school’s website for you to read in full at any time. I will place segments of it in the newsletter each fortnight as a reminder. It is in everyone’s best interests that the Code is always adhered to.
Conduct Statement 10: You maintain and build on the community’s trust and confidence in Catholic schools and the Church.
Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli