Dear Parents and Caregivers
Just a quick update: This week’s Principal’s Newsletter was written a little ahead of time. Why, you ask? Because our Principal is currently jet-setting across Europe! Yes, while you’re enjoying your coffee, he’s probably enjoying tapas in Barcelona or trying to decipher a Spanish menu.
Even though Mr Bechelli is off exploring beautiful plazas and indulging in local delicacies, he’s made sure you’re still up-to-date with all the important news and upcoming events.
Safe travels to our Principal, and happy reading to everyone else!
This coming Sunday 1 September is a very special day for all of our fathers and grandfathers and we will be holding our usual Father’s Day activities this week to acknowledge the important roles they play in our lives. As usual, the P&F are holding the Father’s Day stalls in classrooms this week, so please make sure your children bring enough money in to buy a small gift. On Friday 30 August, we will be holding some games on the oval from 7.45 am to 8.20 am and our fathers and grandfathers are invited to come along and join in the fun. At 8.45am, we will be having a special Father’s Day Mass for the whole school in our Church and that will be followed by a lovely morning tea in our staffroom. Everyone is most welcome to help us celebrate on Friday and we look forward to seeing you there.
Empathy Reflection Ephesians 4:30 Let all bitterness and anger and slander be put away from you, and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as Christ forgave you.
Fr John’s 50th Anniversary Celebration A special Mass and dinner will be held in our Church on Saturday 31 August from 6.00 pm to celebrate Fr John’s 50 years of priesthood. This is a monumental effort from Fr John who has been an integral part of our community for the past 35 years. He helped build our school from the ground up, along with Sr Margaret and he also built he parish in the same way. I strongly encourage all families to attend Mass this weekend to show your appreciation for everything Fr John has done for our community over a very long time.
Student Free Day On Friday 6 September, all staff will be participating in Day 3 of the Berry St Education Model training along with the staff of St Brigid’s in Middle Swan. This programme helps us to deepen our knowledge and practices when dealing with students who unfortunately encounter trauma in their lives. Sadly, we are seeing more and more cases of students who are affected by trauma and its devastating impact.
Faction Carnival This year, we are going to trial holding the carnival in Term 4 instead of Term 3 as the weather hopefully will be better. Therefore, please note Friday 11 October in your diaries, which is the first week back next term. The netball club will be providing the sausage sizzle as usual. Please note that the P&F will no longer be doing the coloured hair fundraiser. If your child would like to have coloured hair on the day, please do it at home on the morning of the carnival.
We are fortunate to have a second-year university student, Lauren Yovanche, regularly assisting us at Mary MacKillop on a voluntary basis. Lauren is an ex-Mary MacKillop student, who is now studying psychology at Curtin University and is keen to spend some time in an education setting. Please make her welcome.
Yours sincerely
Lisa Liebregts
Short Term Principal