This Issue

Important Dates

  • 20 September

    TERM 3 ENDS 2024

  • 20 September

    Assembly Years PP-2)

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 3

Aug 5, 2020

Dear Parents

Around this time last year, quite a few staff members went to the Cathedral on a stormy night to watch Fr Mark being ordained as a priest. It is hard to believe that the year has gone so quickly! We are very grateful to have Fr Mark in our community as he is a wonderful and caring man. If you see Fr Mark, please make sure you congratulate him on his first anniversary as a priest. I know the parish is organising something special for him so please feel free to join them.

Confirmation Parent Information Night

This will be held in our Church on Wednesday 12 August from 7pm, starting with Mass. Fr John will address all parents immediately after the Mass for around 45 minutes regarding the Sacrament and its history. I look forward to seeing all parents of Confirmation candidates there. The Year 6 students will be having a retreat day on Monday 10 August which will be led by the Servite staff and students to help prepare them to receive the Sacrament on 29 or 30 August. Please note that we are still waiting for the Archbishop to approve Confirmation Masses in the archdiocese as we are still in Phase 4 of COVID-19 restrictions. There is a chance that this date may be delayed. If the date gets changed, I will let you know. Thanks for your continued patience and understanding.

First Holy Communion

The Year 4 students will have their retreat on Wednesday 19 August and this will also be led by the Servite staff and students. This will prepare them well to receive their First Holy Communion on 22 or 23 August. Please keep our Year 4 and Year 6 students in your prayers as they prepare to receive these Sacraments of Initiation.

Mary Mac Week

This has been a wonderful week for our school as we had our first half school Mass this morning for a long time. It was wonderful getting so many students back into the Church again. Let’s hope the COVID-19 restrictions lift soon and we can get the whole school there. This morning, the Year 3 – 6 students attended the annual Mary MacKillop Mass as her feast day will be celebrated on Saturday. Next week, the PP – 2 classes will attend the Assumption Mass on Thursday morning at 8.45am. The Mission Mini Fete will be held this Friday 7 August with the Year 6 classes leading the way. Mrs Bowman and the teachers have organised the annual art display on show in the Church hall and as usual, it looks amazing. Thanks again Mrs Bowman for all the time and work you have put into this year’s exhibition. Please take the time to go and have a look at it.

Cooperative Learning Coaching

Things are slowly getting back to their usual routine and next week, we will recommence our coaching of the structures. The teachers here are highly accomplished at implementing these structures into their daily teaching. Next week, we are looking at a structure called Showdown. This structure is especially useful for developing social skills and knowledge building.

Interschool Winter Carnival

It feels like a very long time since we last competed in interschool sports. However, the Winter Carnival is scheduled to go ahead on Thursday 20 August. Mr Power will send all the details home soon. We are still not sure whether parents can watch as this may go over the numbers allowed under Phase 4 restrictions. Mr Power will let the parents know via his communications. Please spare a thought for our fellow Australians in Victoria where their schools have gone back into remote learning. We had a small taste of it and it wasn’t much fun. I can only imagine how stressful it must be for them at the moment.


Yours sincerely

Laurie Bechelli

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