Dear Parents
Welcome back to the final term of the year. I can’t believe where the year has gone! It certainly has been a very different year filled with major disruptions, but to everyone’s credit, we have managed to work through it.
The uptake has been very positive and there are over 30 students registered to use our new service. As I said earlier, the OSHClub are an excellent provider and they are very flexible and easy to work with. I look forward to having a long and positive relationship with them as they provide a very useful service for a number of our families.
This weekend, our Year 6 students finally receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in our parish. This is a big and important step for our students who are now seen as adult members of the Church. They initially received the Holy Spirit at Baptism and this Mass ‘seals the deal’ as it is the final Sacrament of initiation. I would like to acknowledge and thank all the teachers and parents for their patience as they had to wait for clearance from the Archbishop. I’m sure Fr John and Fr Mark will also be relieved that we can finally proceed, not to mention the students themselves who have had to wait for quite a few things this year. Please keep them in your prayers.
Year 5 Sleepover
The Year 5 students have had to wait a very long time for this special occasion. It was originally planned for Term 1 around the time COVID-19 hit and like so many other things this year, it was put on hold. However, I’m pleased to say that we can proceed next Friday 23 October starting with a day of leadership training provided by the staff and students from Servite College. This will help prepare the Year 5 students for the challenges that lay ahead next year when they become the senior leaders.
Staffing Update
Mrs Tamara Bowman has accepted a position teaching upper primary students at Mercy College next year. Tamara has been a wonderful member of staff here over many years and she will be sadly missed. We will say farewell to Tamara at the end of year functions. We wish her every success and blessing for the future.
Board/P&F Meetings
The final meetings for the year will be held next Monday 19 October at 6pm for the Board and 8.45am for the P&F.
Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli