This Issue

Important Dates

  • 19 July

    Term 3 School Fees Due

  • 19 July

    Assembly Years 3-6

  • 22 July

    Edu Dance Commences K-6 Gold classes + Kindy Blue

  • 23 July

    CPSSA Interschool Cross Country Yrs 3-6 10.00-1:30PM UWA Sports Park

  • 23 July

    Hymn Singing

  • 24 July

    CEWA RE Assessment – Yr 3 Online Practice & Equating

  • 25 July

    Performing Arts Piano Solo (Anna K)

  • 25 July

    Yr 2 Mass CEWA RE Assessment – Yr 5 Online Practice & Equating

  • 26 July

    Assembly Years PP-2)

  • 27 July

    Confirmation Commitment Weekend

  • 28 July

    Confirmation Commitment Weekend

From the Principal  – Term 3, Week 1

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 1

Welcome back to the start of another very busy and fun-filled term at Mary Mac! It’s hard to believe that half of the year has already come and gone. Term 3 is always an exciting time in our community as we have a number of big events to celebrate, with the highlight of course being the Mary MacKillop Week activities in Week 4.

School News

School News

  • Kindy Enrolments
  • Congratulations
  • Uniform Shop
  • Canteen News
  • Uniform Shop
  • Second-Hand Uniforms
  • Campion Education
  • Community News





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