Parents and Friends’ Association

The Mary MacKillop Parents and Friends’ (P & F) Association are a group of parent/guardian volunteers of children attending the School, who make an important contribution to the School’s community spirit and provide pastoral and financial support to the School community. They work constructively with the School Leadership Team, the School Board, the Parish, and the wider School community to achieve this.

The objectives of the P & F are to:

  • Assist in building positive school communities by encouraging authentic partnerships between parents, the School Leadership Team, the School Board and the Parish;
  • Plan, organise and promote social, sporting, cultural and educational activities which encourage the interaction of parents, students, staff and Parish;
  • Add strength to the School community by assisting the School Leadership Team to achieve its goals and objectives;
  • Provide additional resources if required through fundraising efforts;
  • Partner with the School Leadership Team to access speakers, programs and information to enable parents to fully engage with their children’s education and wellbeing;
  • Affiliate with Catholic School Parents WA, who represent all parents in Catholic schools, and ensure that an authentic Catholic school parent voice is heard at local, state and national level when required;


All parents and guardians are warmly welcome to get involved with the P&F and help out. The P&F meetings are open to all staff and parents/guardians of students at Mary MacKillop. They are a great way to find out what is happening at the School, meet parents from other year groups, be involved in decision-making on proposed funding initiatives, and enrich our school community.

The P & F aim to provide our children with the richest experiences and best memories of their school years by organising a wide range of community building events, fundraising activities and services through-out the year. While the events may vary from year to year, events and services that are usually organised by the P & F include:

  • Family Fun Night
  • Easter Raffle and Colouring In Competition
  • Mother’s & Father’s Day Stalls
  • Discos, Quiz Nights, Movie Nights
  • Parent Morning Teas
  • 2nd Hand Uniform Shop
  • School Banking


How can you help?

Come to a few meetings a year, occasionally help with an event, or bake a cake for a cake stall. Many hands make light work and your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to nominate themselves for the Executive Committee by submitting a nomination form to the school office. The Executive Committee manages the P & F and consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Elections for the Executive Committee occur at the P & F AGM usually held at the end of the school year. No special skills, talents or experience is required.

For more information about the P & F, or if you would like to get involved, please send an e-mail to or call the school office on 9241 7500.

P & F Executive Committee 2022:

Treasurer: Allison Fox
Secretary: Sam Somers
Second Hand Uniform Shop: Jade D’Souza and Leslee Kretschmer
Committee Members:  
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