Performing and Creative Arts
All students participate in weekly music classes. Kindergarten students receive a 45minute lesson each week, while Pre-Primary to Year 6 lessons run for 60minutes.
During this time, students are engaged in a range of activities. They learn basic music theory and instrumental skills and are given the opportunity to apply these skills to create their own work. This creative element is vitally important as it helps to develop problem solving skills and resiliency, which can then be applied to all aspects of life. There is also a large element of collaboration involved as students often work in groups.
Students in Years 4 – 6 are eligible to join the Senior Choir. All students who have a love of singing are encouraged to join. Choir is on a Wednesday morning at 8:00am. The Senior Choir helps to lead the singing at school masses, and enters the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools every year. The choir is usually made up of approximately 60 students, and has had up to 75 members.
Students who are members of the Senior Choir are eligible to audition for the Student Technical and Repertory Choir (STAR Choir). This is a smaller choir who sings more difficult pieces, and is given the task of leading the Responsorial Psalm and other sung parts of the Mass that require Cantors. The STAR choir also enters the Performing Arts Festival and is usually made up of 20-30 members.
Dance Troupe
Students in Years 5 and 6 have the option of joining the MM Girls or MM Boys Rock the Beat. These dance troupes have been running at MMCCPS since 2007, and were separated into a boys’ troupe and girls’ troupe in 2008. Teachers volunteer their time after school on a Monday (Girls) and Thursday (Boys) to teach the students. They are given the opportunity to perform at school assembly nights, the Performing Arts Festival and the school Christmas Concert.
After School Instrumental Programme
Guitar, keyboard, piano and violin lessons are available after school on a Tuesday and Thursday. These are run by the company Violin Sports and are available as small group or private lessons.
Performing Arts Festival
Every year MMCCPS enters the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools. Our two choirs and two dance troupes enter, and a number of individual students enter the different instrumental sections. It is a fabulous opportunity for students to share their talents and experience the thrill of performing on stage.
Twilight Music Recital
Each November, our students in Years 4, 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to perform at our recital. This involves students who are learning to play an instrument and our STAR Choir. Occasionally, even some of the staff perform! It is always a wonderful evening, and the level of support and encouragement shown by the students towards the other performers is heart-warming.