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P&F News

Nov 11, 2020

P & F 2021

It is with great sadness that I must announce that the 2020 P & F Executive will not renominate for our positions next year due to our other commitments. We are seeking four fresh, committed parent/guardian volunteers to continue the P & F Executive in 2021 and some more volunteers to help on the P & F Committee. I have made it my personal mission, and worked very hard to get systems set up to make volunteering on the P & F easier. If you are interested in joining the P & F for 2021 then please fill in the below nomination form and send it to the office or to I am available to talk about what’s involved in the roles if you’re interested. Please just send me an email or catch me around school.

P & F Disco

What a perfect way to end the P & F calendar for the year than with an open air disco on a perfect, balmy evening. We must have some guardian angels looking out for us as the weather was perfect. Just two days earlier, or later, we wouldn’t have had such ideal conditions. The event was extremely well attended and it was so nice to see so many families come together and enjoy our fantastic school community. The children enjoyed having the disco on the oval and the dance floor was constantly occupied. All of the extra things that the P & F organised were very popular: the food trucks, the face painter, slushies, fairy floss, glow sticks and lawn games. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the P & F. My heartfelt thanks to all the people who helped to make the disco such a success.


Entertainment Books

The P & F continue to offer ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS. If you are interested, please visit Proceeds go back to our school community.


P & F Second Hand Uniform Shop

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Anita Andrews on 0412 866 588. The second-hand uniform shop is located next to the netball courts. Payments can be made by cash or direct deposit to the P & F account: (BSB: 066 167; AC: 105 100 78; Ref: “Uniform” + Receipt Number).

If you have any unwanted uniform items, please drop them into the office to be donated to our shop.

The second hand uniform shop is operated by our parent volunteers, with proceeds going back to our school community.


School Banking

Did you know that when your child banks with School Banking, not only do they learn about the value of money and build their savings, but the P & F and the School benefit? Your child earns interest on their savings account and is rewarded with prizes from the Rewards Program. Every time your child banks 10 times with a minimum deposit of 5c, the P & F receives $5. The P & F also receive a bonus for the number of students that bank in the year. So get involved and contact our School Banking Coordinators and parent volunteers: Amy Lam ( and Dee Wright (

Don’t forget to bring your deposit wallets to school on Wednesday’s.


Next Meeting

Our NEXT MEETING will be the AGM (Annual General Meeting) on MONDAY 23rd NOVEMBER at 5:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. It is the final meeting of the year which includes a summary of what has happened in 2020 and the decision and announcement of the P & F Executive Committee for 2021.

Follow us on Facebook: Mary MacKillop P&F, or send us an e-mail at

Alyce Hofmann-Fritz
P & F President 2020

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