This Issue

Important Dates

  • 18 February

    Hymn Singing

  • 21 February

    CENSUS DAY 2025

  • 21 February

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 21 February

    P&F Welcome Night Hawaiian theme School oval

  • 24 February

    School Advisory Council Meeting

  • 27 February

    Reconciliation Retreat 24/7

  • 28 February


  • 03 March

    Public Holiday Labour Day

  • 04 March

    Hymn Singing 2:15PM

  • 04 March

    Shrove Tuesday

  • 05 March

    Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass 8.45am Year 4 to coordinate & Yr 4 reconciliation

  • 07 March

    Assembly PP-Yr2)

  • 08 March

    Reconciliation Commitment Mass Weekend - Students are requested to attend

  • 12 March


  • 12 March


  • 12 March

    Reconciliation Parent Meeting – Evening

  • 13 March


  • 13 March


  • 14 March


  • 14 March

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 17 March


  • 17 March

    Swimming Carnival Yrs4-6 Bayswater Waves

  • 22 March


  • 24 March


  • 24 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 25 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 27 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 27 March

    Yr 5 Classes Mass & reconciliation

  • 28 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 28 March

    Assembly PP-Yr2)

  • 29 March

    Reconciliation certificate weekend

  • 31 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 01 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 01 April

    Hymn Singing

  • 03 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 03 April

    Yr 3 Classes Mass & reconciliation

  • 04 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 04 April

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 07 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 07 April

    EDU Dance Concert

  • 08 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 10 April

    8.45 Whole School Stations of the Cross Liturgy

  • 10 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 11 April

    Assembly 8.35am (PP-Yr2)

  • 11 April

    Last Day of TERM 1 2025

School News

Feb 2, 2022

School Fees

Your 2022 School Fee statement was emailed today, together with your Payment Option form-this must be completed, indicating your intention of how you will pay fees.  Return this form to school no later than Wednesday 16th February. 

All families are asked to please complete and send this form back as it forms part of your agreement for paying school fees.

Payment of fees can be made by various methods including BPAY, Direct Debit periodic payments, Credit Card periodic payments, EFTPOS at school office (contactless is preferred option during COVID-19) or on the school’s website Credit Card facility for once off payments   Please tick your Payment Option form accordingly.

  1. Pay Annual amount by Friday 25/2/22
  2. Pay 4 Term instalments on 25/2/22, 29/4/22, 22/7/22 and 14/10/22
  3. Pay 10 Monthly instalments from 25/2/22 to 25/11/22
  4. Pay 20 Fortnightly instalments from 25/2/22 to 18/11/22

HCC Discounts – If you have an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card, please complete an application form and present your card for copying by the school office.  Families who have expired cards have been contacted to provide their current details.   

If you have any questions please email or contact me directly and I’ll be happy to assist.  Thank you for your continued support for the school in payment your fees, it is very appreciated.

Kind regards

Sue Haynes
Finance Manager
Ph: 92417506

Pupil Free Days 2022

Please note the following days are Pupil Free Days for staff professional learning:

  • Tuesday 26th April 2022
  • Wednesday 27th April 2022
  • Monday 18th July 2022
  • Monday 8th August
  • Monday 10th October 2022

Parish Blessing

To all our parents, students and staff we are hoping that 2022 is blessed with many of God’s gifts for all and we look forward to once again sharing and preparing in the wonderful sacramental programmes in the year to follow.

With God’s blessings,

Father John Jegerow

New Students and Their Families

As we enter into the new school year, I wish you all many wonderful experiences with your children. Take care this week and enjoy establishing positive relationships with others in our community. If you see our new families around the school, I know you will make them feel very welcome. We have many new families joining us in 2021, and as we have all been there as parents, it can be daunting in the early days.

Food Allergies

As parents will be aware, some children in our school are allergic to some foods. This is an extremely stressful time for parents as they do entrust the school with taking care of their most precious gifts.

It would be appreciated if parents could reinforce with their children that there is no sharing of morning tea or lunches or buying of food from the canteen for others at school. Your understanding and support is much appreciated.

Our students who have allergies are encouraged to wear the red cross on their collars to highlight to staff and students that they have an allergy. The fabric red cross transfers are available from the school office.

As you may be aware, most schools are nut aware rather than nut free as it is impossible to be completely nut free.  In order to protect our students, and due to the rise of anaphylaxis cases within our schools, parents are asked not to send any food items to school which contain nuts or traces of nuts.  There are numerous other allergies related to food that can cause severe reactions for some students.  We see the health and wellbeing of our students as a priority whilst in our care and see this as our responsibility to the students, who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction.

We know you will have great understanding of how concerning it is for a child and their parents when such a risk of certain foods could put their young lives in danger.

Your support is greatly appreciated by all.

Sick/Unwell Children at School

If your child is unwell/sick, please refrain from sending them to school. An unwell child in a classroom will spread their illness quickly as the children are in close contact with each other. Parent support is needed to ensure our children stay as well as they possibly can during the school year. When an unwell child is in a classroom environment, bugs can travel quickly. We rely on our parents to support this policy as we have children in our school who can become very ill, very quickly. Your efforts and concern for other students are highly valued.

Medical Information and Asthma Plan Forms

To maintain your child’s/children’s safety at school, it is vital that we are kept up to date with any medical concerns that the students at the school may have. In the coming weeks, Family Information Forms will be sent home for updating. Please do this carefully, especially with regard to medical information.  These must be returned as soon as possible. If these have not been received by the school, please be aware it then becomes a parent responsibility.

Not Fit for PE & Sport or Dance?

It is expected that students who cannot participate for a legitimate reason are provided with a note/email by their parent explaining the nature of the injury or illness. Mr Power & Mrs Mouchemore request that rather than provide a total exemption from the lesson for your child, it is often more appropriate that a request that my child “be allowed to participate where able to” in the lesson be the norm.

Many parents assume the PE or Dance & Drama lesson will be more robust than is planned for that day. Not all lessons are ‘rough and tumble’ where re-injuring may occur. Often lessons involve co-operative activities at controlled speed of movement or even in stationary positions. It is even possible for students to work away from the class group independently where practice and learning can still occur.

There are obvious cases where a student will not be allowed by Mr Power to be involved even if the child believes it is ok. These instances are judged individually in line with duty of care considerations.

School Times

Year 1 to Year 6

8.00 am                       Before school duty commences

8.20 am                       Class doors open

8.30 am                       Classes commence – morning sessions

10.35 am                     MORNING TEA                                             

10.55 am                     Classes resume-midday sessions

12.40 pm                     Lunchtime

1.20 pm                       Lessons commence – afternoon sessions

2.50 pm                       Pack-up bell: collect message boxes

3.00 pm                       School concludes

3.20 pm                       After school duty ends


8.20 am                       Class doors open

3.00 pm                       School Concludes


8.30 am                       Class doors open

8.45 am                       Lessons commence

2.50 pm                       School Concludes

If children are not in their classroom by 8.30am, they must sign in at the front office before going to class otherwise they will be presumed absent.


The school Connected App is now available for parents to inform the school of their child’s absence. If you prefer to email your child’s classroom teacher on the morning your child is absent could you please cc the school administration into your email – Alternatively, you may call the school office on 9241 7500 before 9am, but an email or App notification will still be required.

Parents will be contacted via SMS if your child is away when the school has not been notified.

School Uniform Guidelines 2022

Thank you to our families who continue to set high standards in the appearance of our school uniform.  In 2022, there will be reminder notices sent home to parents when students are consistently in the in-correct uniform or if the uniform does not meet standards. Please understand, this is about being consistent and ensuring all our students meet the requirements. Without parent support with the uniform we can achieve very little with maintaining these high standards.

Transport Permission Note

To avoid having to obtain signatures from parents repeatedly, as a consent for all occasions throughout the year for your child to travel by bus, we will be sending home a Transport Permission Form. Please ensure you return this signed form to your classroom teacher.

Children Leaving the School During the School Day

Parents/Guardians collecting children during school hours will need to sign in at the office. We will then call the students to the office. If your child is returning to school later that day, come directly to the office to sign back in. This applies for Pre Primary to Year 6 students. If someone other than the parent or guardian is picking a child up during school hours, the school must be notified.

Access to School Grounds

The gates have been fitted with a remote control device. This will mean there will be no access to the school grounds between 8.45 am and 2.30 pm each day. If you require access into the school grounds you will need to enter via the school office which hasbeen modified.

Parents/visitors on School Grounds During School Hours

All parents and visitors on school grounds during the hours from 8.45 am and 2.30 pm, must report to the school office and sign in. It is expected all visitors adhere to this procedure. This is part of our Safe Schools Policy.

Car Park Pick-Up and After School Supervision

Due to COVID 19 restrictions


Eldest Kindy students are walked down to the junior drop off pick up area at the front car park at 2.30pm.  The remaining students are walked down at 2.50pm.


All Pre-Primary students are walked down to the junior drop off pick up area at the front car park at 2.50pm. Older children from Years 3 to 6 are to be picked up from here if they have younger siblings in Pre-Primary.

Year 1 – 2

Eldest Years 1 and 2 students are dismissed to the junior drop off pick up area at the front car park  at 2.50pm.  The remaining students are dismissed at 3pm.

Please note: A Year 3-6 child that has younger siblings in PP-Year 2 must come to the front car park pick-up area.

Year 3 to Year 6

After school pick up will be from the Church end pickup area.  All Years 3 to 6 students are collected from here until 3.20 pm. 

At 3.20 pm, if the students have not been collected, they will be taken to the front car park near the school office.

Students may play on the school oval after school, but they must be supervised by their parents. This means supervised. No children should be on the oval after school unless a parent is present.

Students not collected by 3.30 pm will come into the office. Parents will be required to see the Principal or Assistant Principal if children are collected after this time. We acknowledge there will be occasions where parents run late. If you are running later than 3.30 pm, please contact the office on 9241 7500.

Use of Student Images on Social Media

Please note the only images you may place on social media are images of your own children.  All video footage of assemblies, concerts, Masses and other school events is for private use only.  We have many students in our school who are not permitted to have their images on the internet or social media, therefore placing other students’ images on the internet without written parental consent is not permitted.  We appreciate your pride in showing how talented our students are, however, we know you will all understand and respect this request.

Newsletter and Website & App

Please remember the Penola is available online and the link is sent by SMS to parents every fortnight on a Wednesday. The Penola will also be available on the school website. The instructions below are how you can download the Connected APP. We are continuing to look at ways of improving communication with our parents.

Canteen News

The new Semester 1 CANTEEN MENU for 2022 is available on the MMCCPS website or alternatively if you require a hard copy, at the office or canteen. Please refer to this new menu ONLY, as many changes have taken place, with freshly made products.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

 You can visit to register.

Canteen tokens are available to purchase from the office or canteen at a cost of $32 per sheet. Lunch/recess order bags are available from the canteen, 20 bags for $1.  Please ensure your child’s name and correct class are written clearly on bags. Separate bags must be written for recess and lunch. PLEASE DO NOT USE STICKY TAPE OR STAPLES TO SECURE LUNCH BAGS.

All lunch/recess orders must be placed in classroom baskets before the class commences. They will then be taken to the canteen.  If your child is late, they are to take the lunch order directly to the canteen.

All prepaid drink orders from Yrs 1-6 are to be collected by your child at the canteen with their lunch order bags as proof of purchase.

Ice creams are then sold after the students are dismissed from eating their lunch. If ice creams are pre-ordered, the bag must be shown at the canteen when picking up the ice cream.  

Please note, your child can purchase a drink or ice cream without pre-ordering if they have money.

Parents, please do not allow your children to buy icecreams for their friends and no large amounts of money should not be given to them.  Thank you for your co operation in this matter.

If you wish to volunteer in the canteen please come and see me, we would love your help.

If you have any queries, please come and see either myself or Kath and we will be happy to help.

Sylvia Iggleden.

Uniform Shop  

Morning 8.00am-10.30am     

Afternoon 2.30pm-4pm  


Uniform Shop Manager

Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews on 0412866588.

P&F News

Our FIRST MEETING will be on MONDAY 7th February at 8:45 am. Everyone is welcome!

Follow us on Facebook: Mary MacKillop P&F or send us an e-mail at

Looking forward to a great 2022.

CLASS REPRESENTATIVES: Would you like to do your little bit for the school community but can’t commit to being a P & F committee member? Then become a class rep for your child’s class. It’s easy, takes little of your time, and we’d love your input and help! Fill out the form outside your child’s classroom or send us an email at

The P&F Second Hand Uniform Shop: If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Anita Andrews on 0412 866 588. If you have any unwanted uniform items, please drop them into the office to be donated to our shop. The second-hand uniform shop is operated by our parent volunteers, with proceeds going back to our school community.

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