This Issue

Important Dates

  • 20 September

    TERM 3 ENDS 2024

  • 20 September

    Assembly Years PP-2)

School News

May 10, 2023

Kindy Enrolments

If you have a child turning 4 years of age between the 1st of July 2023 and the 30th of June 2024, they will be eligible to attend Kindergarten in 2024. Please put your enrolment form into the school office asap. We have already filled one class and the other one is filling quickly.


Children and Sleep

As we start this new term, it’s worthwhile taking the time to re-evaluate your child’s sleep needs and routines.  Children aged between 5 and 11 will need to have between 9 – 11 hours of sleep each night to function well. When a child is feeling tired at school, we notice that they become emotionally fragile or irritable, and their concentration and focus lapse. Their day becomes more challenging, and you are far more likely to have a grumpy, tired, and teary child at the end of the day! There are simple measures you can take to improve your child’s amount and quality of sleep such as maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding the use of screens before bed, replacing screen time with outdoor physical play, and ensuring that your child doesn’t have access to any devices during overnight.

Please visit this website for more information about children and sleep.


Interschool Swimming Carnival

During Week 2, the interschool swimming team travelled to HBF stadium to compete against 7 other schools in the B division Catholic Primary School Sports Association interschool swimming carnival.

Thank you to all the parents and guardians who came along to support and help out on the day. Additionally, I would also like to thank Mr Bechelli and Mr Maxwell for volunteering their time to assist with the proceedings of the day.

With one of the smaller swimming squads, we relied on the fitness and perseverance of our students as most raced in multiple events throughout the day. The students should be extremely proud of their efforts and the results they achieved on the day. The final standings are shown below:

1          OLA- 1198

2          Holy Cross College- 1110

3          Aranmore- 1098

4          St Helena’s- 978

5          St Kieran’s- 900

6          Mary Mackillop- 760

7          Good Shepherd- 752

8          St Brigid’s- 666



Library News

Writing competition

Make your own storybook

Closing date Friday 9 June 2023

Entries must arrive at Westbooks by 5pm.

The address and additional information are on the form.

Forms are available from the Library or scan the QR code or link below to go to the Children’s Book Council Australia (WA) website for more details.


Uniform Shop  

The Uniform Shop will be open as usual for the start of Term 2, Tuesday 8am – 9.30am.

Uniform Concepts Inglewood Super Shop

832 Beaufort Street Inglewood

Phone 9270 4658


Opening Hours


9-5 PM


9-6 PM


9-5 PM


9-1 PM



Uniform Shop Manager

Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews 0412 866588.

Campion Education

School books will no longer be available to collect from the School Hall in 2024. Parents will have two options either to go to Campion themselves or order online for home delivery.


Community News



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