This Issue

Important Dates

  • 18 February

    Hymn Singing

  • 21 February

    CENSUS DAY 2025

  • 21 February

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 21 February

    P&F Welcome Night Hawaiian theme School oval

  • 24 February

    School Advisory Council Meeting

  • 27 February

    Reconciliation Retreat 24/7

  • 28 February


  • 03 March

    Public Holiday Labour Day

  • 04 March

    Hymn Singing 2:15PM

  • 04 March

    Shrove Tuesday

  • 05 March

    Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass 8.45am Year 4 to coordinate & Yr 4 reconciliation

  • 07 March

    Assembly PP-Yr2)

  • 08 March

    Reconciliation Commitment Mass Weekend - Students are requested to attend

  • 12 March


  • 12 March


  • 12 March

    Reconciliation Parent Meeting – Evening

  • 13 March


  • 13 March


  • 14 March


  • 14 March

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 17 March


  • 17 March

    Swimming Carnival Yrs4-6 Bayswater Waves

  • 22 March


  • 24 March


  • 24 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 25 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 27 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 27 March

    Yr 5 Classes Mass & reconciliation

  • 28 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 28 March

    Assembly PP-Yr2)

  • 29 March

    Reconciliation certificate weekend

  • 31 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 01 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 01 April

    Hymn Singing

  • 03 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 03 April

    Yr 3 Classes Mass & reconciliation

  • 04 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 04 April

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 07 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 07 April

    EDU Dance Concert

  • 08 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 10 April

    8.45 Whole School Stations of the Cross Liturgy

  • 10 April

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • 11 April

    Assembly 8.35am (PP-Yr2)

  • 11 April

    Last Day of TERM 1 2025

School News

Feb 14, 2024



If you haven’t already done so, please return your Payment Options form by Friday 16 February. They can be emailed to or dropped off at the front counter. Also if you need to update your Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) details please provide us with a copy of your updated details.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Kind regards

Steve Tucker
Ph: 92417506


Please note the following days are Pupil Free Days for staff professional learning:

  • Friday 1st March 2024
  • Tuesday 4th June 2024
  • Friday 28th June 2024
  • Friday 6th September 2024
  • Monday 7th October 2024


School Social Worker

Parent Tips!

The first few weeks of the year are the ideal time to put in place some routines and practices that will set you up for a positive school year. Here are my top 10 tips for parents and carers!

  1. Take an extra 10 minutes in the evening to set out what your child needs for the next day. Have their uniform laid out, and their homework folder packed back in their bag. Consider making lunches the night before, or freezing lunches and snacks so they are ready to go.
  2. If your child needs a lot of prompting to get ready in the morning, make a chart showing all of the tasks they need to complete, post it on your fridge so they can tick them off, and add a small reward when completed. It is amazing what our children can do for themselves when we prepare them well.
  3. Avoid being rushed in the mornings. Try to get everyone up a little earlier so that you can move at a relaxed pace, and not be rushing out the door.
  4. If your child struggles with saying goodbye, be sure to stay positive and confident about school, keep your goodbyes relatively swift or consider kiss and drop, and keep bringing your child to school every day. Prolonging goodbyes at the school gate or hesitating at the classroom door, can allow time for anxiety to build for children, which then makes your goodbye even harder. Be confident when you drop your child off, reassure them that they’ll have a great day, and remind yourself as you are leaving that they are okay! Please reach out to your staff if separation anxiety is not gradually improving as the term progresses.
  5. When you pick your child up in the afternoons, ask them what went well in their day, or to tell you something funny about their day. Focussing on the positive aspects of their day helps them to keep any challenges in perspective.
  6. Allow time for your child to relax, unwind, and play in the afternoons. Make sure that after school commitments are not too much for your child, remembering that children have different needs when it comes to balancing rest, physical activity, and mental stimulation. What works for one child may not work for your child.
  7. Start daily gratitude practice as a family. When you sit down for dinner, have everyone share 3 things that they are grateful for. Expressing gratitude has proven benefits for our mental wellbeing.
  8. Establish a good bedtime routine and make sure that your child is getting a good night sleep. There is nothing like a tired child to test the patience of any parent or teacher. For children aged between 6 and 12, the recommended amount of sleep is 9 – 11 hours, and it is slightly more for younger children.
  9. Tried to avoid talking with your child about sensitive topics near bedtime. Whilst it can seem like a good time to chat because we have finally stopped for the day, children are particularly fragile when they are tired, and it is much harder for them to keep perspective. They are far more likely to become emotional about a situation than if you talk to them when they are refreshed and calm during the day. If they tell you about a worry or concern at bedtime, listen to them and have a short chat, but reassure them that there is always a solution to any problem, and you will talk with them in the morning or the next day, when everyone has had a good sleep! It will be far more productive, and you will also all get to bed at a reasonable time!
  10. Remind yourself that there is no such thing as a perfect parent! Just like our kids, we will have good days, sensitive days….and some really bad days, so always be kind to yourself along the way.



The new Semester 1 CANTEEN MENU for 2024 is available on the MMCCPS website or alternatively if you require a hard copy, at the office or canteen. Please refer to this new menu ONLY, as many changes have taken place, with freshly made products.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

You can visit to register.

Canteen tokens are available to purchase from the office or canteen at a cost of $32 per sheet. Lunch/recess order bags are available from the canteen, 20 bags for $1.  Please ensure your child’s name and correct class are written clearly on bags. Separate bags must be written for recess and lunch. PLEASE DO NOT USE STICKY TAPE OR STAPLES TO SECURE LUNCH BAGS.

All lunch/recess orders must be placed in classroom baskets before the class commences. They will then be taken to the canteen.  If your child is late, they are to take the lunch order directly to the canteen.

All prepaid drink orders from Yrs 1-6 are to be collected by your child at the canteen with their lunch order bags as proof of purchase.

Ice creams are then sold after the students are dismissed from eating their lunch. If ice creams are pre ordered, the bag must be shown at the canteen when picking up the ice cream.  

Please note, your child can purchase a drink or ice cream without pre ordering if they have money.

Parents, please do not allow your children to buy ice creams for their friends and large amounts of money should not be given to them.  Thank you for your co operation in this matter.

If you wish to volunteer in the canteen please come and see me, we would love your help.

If you have any queries, please come and see either myself or Kath and we will be happy to help.
Sylvia Iggleden.


UNIFORM SHOP               

  • Tuesday                                 
  • Morning 8.00am-9.30am       

Uniform Shop Manager



If you would like to purchase any second hand uniforms, please contact either Jade D’Souza 0409680769 or Leslee Kretschmer on 0400059320. Opening times will be advised at a later date and will be notified by text mesage.


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