This Issue

Important Dates

  • 05 February

    Term 1 BEGINS for students 2025

  • 07 February


  • 07 February

    No merits

  • 07 February

    Leadership Badges

  • 10 February

    Edu Dance Blue Classes PP-6 commence

  • 10 February

    P&F Meeting

  • 10 February

    Parent Information Meeting Hall

  • 14 February

    Swim Trials Ballajura Yrs4-6

  • 14 February

    Valentine's Day

  • 14 February

    Assembly PP-Yr2)

  • 18 February

    Hymn Singing

  • 21 February

    CENSUS DAY 2025

  • 21 February

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 21 February

    P&F Welcome Night Hawaiian theme School oval

  • 24 February

    School Advisory Council Meeting

  • 27 February

    Reconciliation Retreat 24/7

  • 28 February


  • 03 March

    Public Holiday Labour Day

  • 04 March

    Hymn Singing 2:15PM

  • 04 March

    Shrove Tuesday

  • 05 March

    Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass 8.45am Year 4 to coordinate & Yr 4 reconciliation

  • 07 March

    Assembly PP-Yr2)

  • 08 March

    Reconciliation Commitment Mass Weekend - Students are requested to attend

  • 12 March


  • 12 March


  • 12 March

    Reconciliation Parent Meeting – Evening

  • 13 March


  • 13 March


  • 14 March


  • 14 March

    Assembly 8.35am (Yrs

  • 17 March


  • 17 March

    Swimming Carnival Yrs4-6 Bayswater Waves

  • 22 March


  • 24 March


  • 24 March

    Parent/Teacher Interviews

School News

May 15, 2024


Our school photos will be taken on: Monday 10th and Wednesday 12th of June 2024  Class Photos/Portraits.

Every Student will have their photo taken, whether they are purchasing photos or not. The school has chosen to use the online ordering system. Your child will be given an online ordering instruction slip and a unique student shootkey. Log onto and follow the prompts to place your order. If you lose your shootkey the school reception will have a copy to quote back to you. The expiry date for online ordering is Wednesday 19th of June 2024 Any orders received after this date will incur a $30.00 archive fee. Spare order envelopes (green) will be available at the school reception if you prefer to pay with cash. 

Specialty Group Photos: After photo day, a link will be sent to the school for distribution to parents whose child/children is/are in the specialty group photos. Family Photos: Envelopes can be obtained from Administration. Family photos are taken each morning before school. Please ensure that your family envelope and payment are handed to the photographers on photo day. If you do not have the correct money we will provide any change needed when photos are delivered to school. Family photos cannot be ordered online. Once school has received photos, family photos will remain at reception for parents to collect.

Please Note: Late orders can be placed via our website Individual and Family Photos are not available to view online for students’ security. If for any reason you need to contact MSP regarding your child’s photos,  you will be asked to provide your child’s Shootkey.


Interschool Swimming Carnival

During Week 4, the interschool swimming team travelled to HBF stadium to compete against 7 other schools in the B division Catholic Primary School Sport Association interschool swimming carnival.

Thank you to all the parents and guardians who came along to support and help out on the day. Additionally, I would also like to thank Mr Bechelli and Mrs Smith for volunteering their time to assist with the proceedings of the day.

With one of the smaller swimming squads, we relied on the fitness and perseverance of our students as most raced in multiple events throughout the day. The students should be extremely proud of their efforts and the results they achieved on the day. The final standings are shown below:

  1. Infant Jesus- 1156
  2. St Kieran’s- 1064
  3. St Helena’s- 1030
  4. Aranmore- 984
  5. Holy Cross- 969
  6. Good Shepherd- 870
  7. Mary Mackillop- 790
  8. St Brigid’s- 585



The new Semester 1 CANTEEN MENU for 2024 is available on the MMCCPS website or alternatively if you require a hard copy, at the office or canteen. Please refer to this new menu ONLY, as many changes have taken place, with freshly made products.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

You can visit to register.

Canteen tokens are available to purchase from the office or canteen at a cost of $32 per sheet. Lunch/recess order bags are available from the canteen, 20 bags for $1.  Please ensure your child’s name and correct class are written clearly on bags. Separate bags must be written for recess and lunch. PLEASE DO NOT USE STICKY TAPE OR STAPLES TO SECURE LUNCH BAGS.

All lunch/recess orders must be placed in classroom baskets before the class commences. They will then be taken to the canteen.  If your child is late, they are to take the lunch order directly to the canteen.

All prepaid drink orders from Yrs 1-6 are to be collected by your child at the canteen with their lunch order bags as proof of purchase.

Ice creams are then sold after the students are dismissed from eating their lunch. If ice creams are pre ordered, the bag must be shown at the canteen when picking up the ice cream.  

Please note, your child can purchase a drink or ice cream without pre ordering if they have money.

Parents, please do not allow your children to buy ice creams for their friends and large amounts of money should not be given to them.  Thank you for your co operation in this matter.

If you wish to volunteer in the canteen please come and see me, we would love your help.

If you have any queries, please come and see either myself or Kath and we will be happy to help.
Sylvia Iggleden.


UNIFORM SHOP               

  • Tuesday                                 
  • Morning 8.00am-9.30am       

Uniform Shop Manager



If you would like to purchase any second hand uniforms, please contact either Jade D’Souza 0409680769 or Leslee Kretschmer on 0400059320. Opening times will be advised at a later date and will be notified by text mesage.


Community News

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