This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 03 December to 17 December.

From the Principal – Term 1, Week 6

Mar 10, 2021

Dear Parents

As we move through the season of Lent, let us pause to reflect upon what the real meaning of Easter is. It is the highest point in the Christian calendar where we realise that by the death of Jesus and being raised to eternal life, we will do the same. The resurrection is reflected in nature as it moves through its own cycles of life and death. Things like the devastating bushfires are a good reminder of this. It is amazing to go there sometime later to see the new life emerging from the ashes. This new life is around us all the time, but because we are so busy, we often miss it.

Gratitude Reflection When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. G K Chesterton.

First Reconciliation Retreat Please keep our Year Three students in your prayers this Lent as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Penance for the first time on Saturday 20 March in our parish. They will be having a special retreat day this Friday which will be run by the staff and students of Servite College.

School Advisory Council and P&F Meetings These meetings will take place next Monday 15 March in the staffroom. The P&F will meet at 9.00am and the School Advisory Council at 6.00pm.

Parent Teacher Interviews These start next week and will run for the next fortnight. This will give you the opportunity to discuss in detail, the progress of your children. As I have said many times before, if you have any questions about your children, please don’t wait for these designated times. Contact your children’s teacher immediately so the communication lines can stay open, and we can work together in everyone’s best interests. I’m sure the classroom teachers will let you know which times they are available to meet with you.

Year 6 Leadership Day The Year 6 students will have their first day with the Servite College staff and students next Tuesday 16 March in our hall. A lot of the day will focus on the work of Caritas who provide badly needed aide for people around the world who face disease, poverty, famine and natural disasters. Project Compassion boxes have been placed in all classrooms, so please make sure you support this worthy cause, allowing us to be one with other people around the world.

Whole School Mass As this is the International Year of St Joseph, we will be celebrating it with a whole school Mass next Thursday 18 March in our Church. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to attend. The Year 5 students will be leading us during this Mass.

Year 5 Sleepover To help round out a very big fortnight here at Mary Mac, the Year 5 students will be engaging with the Servite College staff and students as a part of their own leadership development. The day will culminate with some Youth Group activities from their 24/7 Ministry team in our Church and then later on, dinner, a quiz night and a sleepover in the hall. It certainly has been another very busy start to the year, but as always, there is plenty on offer for our students and community.

Yours sincerely

Laurie Bechelli

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