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From the Principal – Term 3, Week 3

Aug 4, 2021

Dear Parents

This week, we celebrate Australia’s only saint and the woman who is a role model for all of us. I am of course talking about Mary MacKillop, whom our school is named after. There are only two schools in Western Australia named after her: us and MacKillop College in Busselton. I think this should make us feel very privileged. We are having our annual Mary Mac Week celebrations and as usual, we will be holding our art exhibition. This year, we are trying something a little bit different. As we now have a dedicated Art teacher and programme, we are wanting the students’ work to be presented as if we were in an art gallery. Therefore, each class will have their work presented on a canvas on an easel. Like an art gallery, all works will be on sale (no doubt, for a bargain price) and all money raised will go to the P&F. Some of you will have the opportunity to purchase these priceless pieces of work that would look amazing in your home. Keep an eye out for a message with all the details of how to place a bid for a piece of artwork. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Owen Miller for putting this exhibition together. It is his first year here with us and it has been a daunting task to say the least.

Gratitude Reflection For each new morning with its light, for rest and shelter of the night. For health and food, for love and friends, for everything thy goodness sends. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mary MacKillop Week We had a beautiful whole school Mass this morning which was followed by morning tea for grandparents along with open classrooms from 10.00am to 12.00pm. The students enjoyed eating their cupcakes and are now looking forward to the Mission Fete led by the Year 6 students on Friday. Apart from the annual camp for the Year 6 students, I think Mary Mac Week is the most memorable highlight on our calendar. Not only is it a celebration of a great Australian, it is an opportunity to reflect upon what we stand for as a community of faith. All we ever need to do is to look at the example Mary set for us and follow her lead. From there, we can’t go wrong.

Book Fair With Book Week only a couple of weeks away, we are looking at reintroducing a great activity that used to happen here years ago. We are welcoming back the Book Fair where students are encouraged to buy books to develop their love for reading. The P&F are also organising a Readathon which gives us the opportunity to get extra Lexile books into the Library for everyone to enjoy. I am so happy to see this happening as reading is a major cornerstone of educating young people. There will be separate information sent home with all the details. However, I do strongly encourage you to support these worthwhile activities.

Confirmation Parent Information Night Term Three is a very exciting time for our Year 6 students who will soon become adults in the eyes of our Church. Confirmation is the final Sacrament of Initiation. When most people are young, their parents make the decision to get them baptised. However, with Confirmation, it is the students’ own decision. All parents and sponsors are invited to attend the parent information evening at our Church on Wednesday 11 August commencing with Mass at 7pm.

 Student Free Day As advertised last term, please note that Friday 13 August will be a staff development day and the school will be closed to all students. The staff will be looking into literacy practices which align with CEWA’s Vision for Learning document.

Cyclic Review/ Principal Review Every four years, all Catholic schools participate in a cyclic review where we look at our achievements over the past three years but also set our goals for the next few. As a part of the process, all principals also go through a review as set out by CEWA. These reviews will take place from 17 to 20 August.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2022 Please be mindful that we filled this year’s classes in July last year. The enrolments for next year are looking just as strong. If you have a younger sibling who is due to start school next year, please let the office know immediately. I would hate for one of our own families to miss out.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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