This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 5

Aug 18, 2021

Dear Parents

It is with great sadness that I inform you that one of the fathers of a student here at Mary Mac passed away suddenly last week. Please keep Gregan Gowrea in Year 4G, and his family, in your prayers as his father Nat has returned to God. This is a challenging time for the whole family. Also, please keep Paige Lanham and her family in your prayers as her father Mark Beresford passed away recently. Mark was an Assistant Principal at St John’s School in Scarborough and had retired only a couple of years ago. I know our beautiful community with gather around our own people during this sad and difficult time.

Gratitude Reflection One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is worth doing is what we do for others. Lewis Carroll

Book Week I would like to say a huge thank you to the P&F who worked closely with our staff during Book Week this year. Together, they ran a hugely successful Book Fair and a Read-a-thon. Both events raised several thousand dollars, all of which will be donated to the Library to purchase extra books for our students. I’m sure the P&F will give you the exact details once they have them. I was blown away with the success of these activities and the engagement from our community. It is great to see how much we value reading and good old fashioned books! Well done to Year 2 Gold who registered the most participants in the Read-a-thon which means they get to choose what I dress up as at assembly this week. They kindly gave me three choices and you will get to see which one I chose this Friday.

Confirmation Please keep our Year 6 students in your prayers as they will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on the weekend of 28 and 29 August. This is a big moment for them and I know they are getting really excited. I would also like to thank their teachers, Sara Blair, Chloe Piri and Kali Koncurat and all other staff members who helped to prepare them. I know Fr John and Fr Mark are looking forward to seeing the students, sponsors and families at Mass that weekend.


Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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