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Important Dates

  • 20 September

    TERM 3 ENDS 2024

  • 20 September

    Assembly Years PP-2)

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 6

Jun 1, 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This week, our Year 6 students are enjoying a challenging and fun time at the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp in Hillarys. I’m so happy that they made it to camp this year as it has been a very disruptive time for all of us and it will be nice to relax a bit and enjoy each other’s company away from school. As I said in the last newsletter, I believe that this camp is the best one around and it always becomes the highlight of the year for most of our students. They will be doing archery, rock wall climbing, swinging from ropes at height, flying fox, BMX riding, team building games and a game called Lost Pilot which usually gets voted as the most popular. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain too much! At least they will have the long weekend to recover as they will come home very tired after all of these amazing activities.

Resilience Reflection People who are resilient have an inner compassionate coach to guide them through challenges.

First Holy Communion Our First Holy Communion Masses last weekend were a wonderful occasion and our students were beautifully prepared by their teachers. I would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Nottle, Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Robertson and Mrs Tucker for all of their efforts leading up to the big occasion. As always, Fr John and Fr Mark were there to make sure the Masses were very reverent and meaningful.

Kindergarten 2023 I have started the enrolment process and the field for next year is very strong. One class is already full and the other one is filling quickly. Our highest priority is to keep our families together by granting younger siblings automatic enrolment. However, we don’t necessarily know if you have another child coming unless you tell us. Please make sure that we know about your younger children as I would hate for them to miss out. It is looking highly likely that both classes for next year will soon be full.

Reports The teachers are now busy writing all student reports and these are due to go live on Monday 27 June. The teachers have done a remarkable job this year under great adversity, and they will do their best to finish the reports at a high standard. As usual, parents will have an opportunity in the last week to speak to the teachers if you have any questions or concerns about your children’s progress. Please remember that it has been a very disruptive semester and we have had very high cases of student and teacher absenteeism due to Covid.

I hope you enjoy your long weekend!


Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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