This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 21 October to 04 November.

School News

Jun 1, 2022

Library  News

Writing  competition

Make  your  own  story  book

Closing  date  Friday  10  June  2022

Entries are to be sent to Westbooks by 5.00pm. 

The address and additional information is on the form.

Forms are available from the Library or from the link below



The Ladd family Imogen (3G) and Blake (KG) welcome another beautiful little girl Mayve into the world.

 Also the Hwangbo family Gino (4G) on the safe arrival of his baby sister.

 Congratulation to you all.

How do you talk with your children about tragic news?

It has been devastating to hear of yet another school shooting in America this week. It is such a senseless and tragic loss of life for so many that I really have no words to describe it.  As much as we try to protect our children from such awful news, it is often inevitable that catch a news brief, hear about it from a friend, or somehow become aware of it when you hoped that they wouldn’t!  They will look to you for reassurance of their safety, so these tips might be useful for you:

  • If your child is unaware of the shooting, there is no need to raise it. If they bring it up, be prepared to talk about it. Start by asking what they know, and then be guided by the level of knowledge they already have. Be prepared to listen to their worries.
  • Be honest and clear. It is a tragedy and many people have died, and you feel very sad about what has happened. It’s okay for your child to feel sad about it too. Share age-appropriate information and be prepared for them to ask questions.
  • Reassure your child of their safety. These events happen rarely and even less so in Australia. Remind them that they are safe with you now, and the people around them know how to keep them safe. For older children, you might want to talk about how we have policies and procedures in schools and the community that help to keep them safe.
  • Avoid giving too much or unnecessary detail about what has happened. Discourage your child from viewing footage that can be traumatising.
  • Monitor adult conversations that might happen around your child. Children listen to everything and can easily feel anxious if they don’t understand what they hear in adult conversations.
  • Encourage your child to talk with you about the situation, and about how they are feeling, rather than discussing this with their peers. That way you can try to have a little control over what they are exposed to and respond in a way that is reassuring rather than anxiety provoking.
  • Model effective coping skills when hearing about tragic events. Sharing your sadness openly, but without showing overwhelm or distress can help children to feel comfortable to share their emotions with you.
  • Keep up your usual family routines and activities to give reassurance that life is still okay!

Lisa Mueller
School Social Worker

Kindy Enrolments

If you have a child turning 4 years of age between 1st July 2022 and the 30th June 2023, they will be eligible to attend Kindergarten in 2023. Please put your enrolment form into the school office asap. We will be starting enrolments for Kindy 2023 in the next week.

Canteen News

The new Semester 1 CANTEEN MENU for 2022 is available on the MMCCPS website or alternatively if you require a hard copy, at the office or canteen. Please refer to this new menu ONLY, as many changes have taken place, with freshly made products.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

 You can visit to register.

Canteen tokens are available to purchase from the office or canteen at a cost of $32 per sheet. Lunch/recess order bags are available from the canteen, 20 bags for $1.  Please ensure your child’s name and correct class are written clearly on bags. Separate bags must be written for recess and lunch. PLEASE DO NOT USE STICKY TAPE OR STAPLES TO SECURE LUNCH BAGS.

All lunch/recess orders must be placed in classroom baskets before the class commences. They will then be taken to the canteen.  If your child is late, they are to take the lunch order directly to the canteen.

All prepaid drink orders from Yrs 1-6 are to be collected by your child at the canteen with their lunch order bags as proof of purchase.

Ice creams are then sold after the students are dismissed from eating their lunch. If ice creams are pre-ordered, the bag must be shown at the canteen when picking up the ice cream.  

Please note, your child can purchase a drink or ice cream without pre-ordering if they have money.

Parents, please do not allow your children to buy icecreams for their friends and no large amounts of money should not be given to them.  Thank you for your co operation in this matter.

If you wish to volunteer in the canteen please come and see me, we would love your help.

If you have any queries, please come and see either myself or Kath and we will be happy to help.

Sylvia Iggleden.

Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews on 0412866588.


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