This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 7

Aug 31, 2022

I will be taking the last three weeks of this term off to enjoy some long service leave and recharge my batteries. In my absence, CEWA have appointed Mrs Lisa Liebregts as the Short Term Principal until I return at the start of next term. I know you will support Lisa as much as you have supported me throughout this challenging year and I’m confident that Lisa will do a great job in my absence.

Resilience Reflection Unfortunately, many of us spend a lot of time ignoring what our bodies are trying to tell us. This is often to our detriment. Take time to pause, recognise what’s happening and choose to respond in a way that supports your wellbeing.

Social Media This is a friendly reminder to all parents that you are most welcome to take photos of your own children for most school activities you attend. This includes things like assemblies, sport carnivals and the Edu Dance concert. You are also free to post those photos of your children on any social media platform you choose. However, please be aware that you should not be posting any images of other people’s children without their permission. Whilst social media can be a powerful tool if used correctly, it can also cause damage if used incorrectly.

Father’s Day Stall As usual, our wonderful P&F have organised stalls to be run in all classrooms to give our students an opportunity to buy something for their dad, granddad or a special man in their life should they choose to. The stall will run on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week and we will be inviting our dads in on Friday morning to drop by and join in with some fun activities before they head off to work. We do it this way as it is very difficult to get our dads into school as we understand that many of them need to get to work early. Grandads or special men are welcome too. I take this opportunity to wish all of our dads and granddads a wonderful Father’s Day this Sunday spending time with your loved ones.

Faction Carnival Just like last year, we have booked a coffee van to be on site all day and the P&F will be selling sausage sizzles. No ordering is necessary. Please note that the canteen will be closed for lunch and recess orders. However, it will be open to sell ice creams at lunch time. The carnival is set for Wednesday 7 September on our oval. If the weather is too wet, we have set a backup date of Friday 9 September. I’m sure it will be another fun filled day which will be well organised by Mr Power.

Edu Dance Concert The Edu Dance concert for all Kindergarten students plus those in the Gold classes will be held in the hall on Wednesday 14 September from 5pm for the Kindergarten students and 6pm for everyone else. The Kindergarten students won’t be doing a full dance with the other students. However, their parents are invited to come at 5pm for a special viewing of them in action in a typical Edu Dance class. This should be finished in good time before the P-6 students start and parents are asked to be patient whilst we move one group in and one group out. We have a huge hall and there is plenty of room for everybody to fit in comfortably and watch the concert. The doors will be closed during the Kindergarten class so their parents can focus on what’s happening. They will be opened for the rest of the concert. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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