This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 1

Oct 12, 2022

Welcome back to the final term of the year. It’s hard to believe that we are at this point in time already! I have just returned from a wonderful vacation in Europe and I would like to thank Mrs Lisa Liebregts for doing a fantastic job as Short Term Principal in my absence. It is very comforting to know that I can take time away from here and not have to worry about anything as both Lisa Liebregts and Jacki Tucker have everything under control. I spent five weeks travelling through Germany and Croatia and it is so good to be able to travel again in a post Covid world.

Resilience Reflection Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.

Front Door As a part of our ongoing care for the safety of our students, we have put a remote locking device into the door at the front office. This has been done to protect our students, especially those  who could run out the front door and into the danger of the car park or even the front road. Please note that we are not trying to lock you out. If you come to the front office during School hours (9.00am to 3.00pm), just let Jane or Barb know you are here and they will let you in. Thank you for your understanding as we are trying to make our school as safe as possible for our students.

Free Dress Day to Support Fr Mark and the Banana Run As many of you know, Fr Mark goes into the city every Friday night to feed the homeless people there. As a community, we have been supporting Fr Mark in numerous ways. Some of us go with him whilst others donate food and clothing to him. This Friday 14 October, we all have the opportunity to do our bit via a free dress day for the whole school. In return for the free dress, we ask that all families give as generously as possible by sending your children to school with some money. All money raised goes directly to Fr Mark and the people who live on the streets of our city. This lives out the Gospel, where Jesus simply but powerfully says, “Come, follow me!” I take this to mean, “Come, be like me and help those in need” or “Come, imitate me”. Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause. I know Fr Mark will be very grateful and he will use the money wisely.

Whole School Mass Our first Mass for the term will be held next Thursday 20 October from 8.45am in the Church and it will be led by our Pre Primary students. All welcome.

Disco Our wonderful P&F have organised a final activity for the year, which will be a disco on Friday 28 October. Like last year, it will be an outdoor disco and it will commence on the oval in front of the hall at 5.30pm. It will conclude at 7.30pm for everyone except the Year 6 students who get an extra  45 minutes from7.45pm to 8.30pm. Please keep an eye out for an information flyer from the P&F with all the details. It would be great to see a bumper crowd there!

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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