This Issue

Important Dates

  • 19 July

    Term 3 School Fees Due

  • 19 July

    Assembly Years 3-6

  • 22 July

    Edu Dance Commences K-6 Gold classes + Kindy Blue

  • 23 July

    CPSSA Interschool Cross Country Yrs 3-6 10.00-1:30PM UWA Sports Park

  • 23 July

    Hymn Singing

  • 24 July

    CEWA RE Assessment – Yr 3 Online Practice & Equating

  • 25 July

    Performing Arts Piano Solo (Anna K)

  • 25 July

    Yr 2 Mass CEWA RE Assessment – Yr 5 Online Practice & Equating

  • 26 July

    Assembly Years PP-2)

  • 27 July

    Confirmation Commitment Weekend

  • 28 July

    Confirmation Commitment Weekend

  • 30 July

    Hymn Singing

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 1

Apr 26, 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to another term of great learning and engagement in our beautiful community! I’m sure you enjoyed the extra few days of time away from school. It’s that time of year again where we put out our first calls for Kindergarten enrolments for 2024. Over the past few years, we have filled both classes, so please make sure you notify us immediately if you have a child coming next year. Siblings are our highest priority and they get automatic enrolment. Starting from next week, I will be doing enrolment interviews for new families. 

Awareness/Compassion Reflection If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Interschool Swimming Carnival On Thursday 4 May, Mr Boyce and I will be taking our swimming squad, comprising of students from Years 4, 5 and 6 to the interschool carnival which will be held at HBF Stadium in Mt Claremont. If your child has been selected, Mr Boyce will send you the details. Parents are most welcome to come along and support our swimmers.

Curtin Speech Programme This term, our tutor Katy Forest and her students from Curtin University will focus on the students in the Kindergarten who most need some support in this area. I was really impressed with the way the programme went last term and I look forward to welcoming a new bunch of Curtin students who will be working with our students and staff. As this is still a very new programme here at Mary Mac, we too are doing lots of learning as we are constantly looking for ways to support our students who need it the most.

P&F Update As you are aware, we have a very small P&F this year. However, they have already planned a number of great community building activities for us this year. Please keep Friday 19 May 5.30pm to 8.30pm free, as the P&F have booked SciTech exclusively for us. They are also covering the entry fee for everyone which is a wonderful gesture. The last I heard when I checked at the end of Term 1 was we had already received over 250 bookings from our students. It promises to be a fantastic evening. Please do support our P&F as their role in our community is very important. Our next meeting is this Friday 28 April straight after the assembly and it will be held in the staffroom. I know that preparing for Mother’s Day is on the agenda and they will be looking for helpers with our gift stalls.

Mother’s Day Mass Please put Friday 12 May in your diaries as we will be having a special Mass for all of our mothers and grandmothers in our Church from 8.45am. Everyone is very welcome to come and join us. Morning tea will be provided after Mass.

School Advisory Council Meeting Our next meeting will be held on Monday 8 May from 6pm in the staffroom.

First Holy Communion Parent Information Night This will be held in the Church on Wednesday 10 May, commencing with Mass at 7.00pm. A brief information session will follow immediately afterwards which will be led by Fr John.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli


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