This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 3, Week 9

Sep 14, 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Throughout this week Mr Maxwell and myself have been talking to the children in their classes about our Student Code of Conduct statement at Mary MacKillop and how we can live out these actions:

  • Thinking about the feelings of others and showing kindness to others
  • Treating everyone with respect
  • Using our manners and speaking politely to each other and the staff

The challenge put forward to the children this week was to BE that person who makes a difference to someone through their words and actions and to remember that doing a kind deed for someone can make a world of difference to them.

Faction Carnival

As communicated, we have had to change the date for our Faction Carnival due to inclement weather to this Friday 15th September.  We thank the Mary MacKillop community for your understanding and patience with the changes and to Mr Boyce who has made every effort to make this year’s carnival a memorable one.

Edu Dance Assembly

Our Annual Edu Dance Assembly for PP to Year 6 Gold classes, will be held on Monday 18 September at 6 pm. Children are to meet in classrooms at 5:45 pm. Kindy families are invited to be an audience member for the final lesson which takes place on Monday 18 September. Kindy Blue will present their lesson at 1:35 pm and Kindy Gold’s lesson will take place at 2:05 pm. The Edu-Dance teachers have created this opportunity for the parents to view the 30-minute Kindy lesson which has proven to be the most positive and successful for the youngest of our students. The Edu Dance Assembly continues to be an outstanding showcase of our multi-talented Mary Mac children!

Whole School Mass

As next week is our final week for the school term, our school community will come together to celebrate with a Mass to be held on Thursday 21 September at 8:45 am. Our capable and delightful Pre Primary students will lead us in prayer on this day. This is another opportunity for us to be thankful for the countless blessings we have shared throughout the term and call to mind the many things we are grateful for in our lives. All are warmly welcome to join us.

Finally, as we reflect on a very eventful and exciting term, let us look forward to the coming two weeks’ holidays as an opportunity to rest, re-energise, reconnect and renew so that we may embrace the new challenges ahead when students recommence school on Tuesday 10 October.


Yours sincerely

Lisa Liebregts

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