This Issue

Important Dates

  • 01 September

    Father's Day

  • 03 September

    2.15-2.45 Hymn Singing

  • 04 September

    NO PLC Meeting

  • 05 September

    Yr 6 Class Mass (Reconciliation following Mass Yr 6)

  • 06 September

    PD Berry Street

  • 06 September

    Pupil Free Day

  • 13 September

    Edu Dance Classes

  • 13 September

    Assembly 8.35am Years

P&F News

Feb 24, 2021

Our NEXT MEETING will be on MONDAY 15th March at 8:50am. Everyone is welcome!

If you would like an item raised at a P & F meeting, please let us know. Follow us on Facebook: Mary
MacKillop P&F or send us an e-mail at
Looking forward to a great 2021.

Class Representatives: Would you like to do your little bit for the school community but can’t
commit to being a P & F committee member? Then become a class rep for your child’s class. It’s easy,
takes little of your time, and we’d love your input and help! Fill out the form outside your child’s
classroom or send us an email at

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