Father’s Day Stall & Raffle
The P & F are again coordinating the annual Father’s Day Stall for students to buy a special gift for Father’s Day. After the success of the Mother’s Day Stall, the Father’s Day Stall will also be conducted by your child’s teacher in their classroom.
The stall will be held on WEDNESDAY 2nd September
We have a wonderful selection of gifts from $2 to $7. Please send some cash with your child on the day of the stall so that they can buy a gift. If your child is absent or forgets their money on the day of the stall, they will be able to purchase a gift on Friday 4th September. Students may also be offered the opportunity to buy a second gift provided that all students have had the chance to buy a gift.
The P & F are also holding a Father’s Day Raffle this year. Raffle tickets will be sent home soon.
Raffle ticket sales close WEDNESDAY 2nd September 2020.
The raffle will be drawn on: FRIDAY 4th September 2020.
The money raised by the Father’s Day Stall and Raffle will go towards the playground upgrade that has begun with the flying fox on the main oval and the creek bed water play area in the K/PP area. We thank you in advance for your support.
Movie Night
As we will be abiding by the 2 sqm rule and have social distancing and hygiene measures in place, the P & F have been given the approval to go ahead with the Movie Night in Phase 4 on FRIDAY 11th SEPTEMBER in the School Hall. We ask that all families bring a blanket to mark your area and maintain your family’s social distancing. All other details about the night will remain the same.
Bring the whole family, order your dinner and enjoy a fun and easy family night out! The movie will be ‘Secret Life of Pets 2’ as voted by our students. Doors open 5:30pm, with the movie starting at 6:30pm. Please make sure that you pre-order food and drinks so that you don’t miss out. Limited food and drinks will be available for purchase on the night. The ‘Candy Bar’ will also be available on the night. Tickets will be available at the door until we reach capacity. Please send your family’s order form into the school office OR email to pandf@mmccps.wa.edu.au .
Order forms are due by WEDNESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER.
Payment can be made by direct debit to the P & F account OR by cash. The P & F are abiding by the 2 sqm rule for this event and have completed the COVID 19 Infection Control Training course to ensure everyone’s absolute safety.
Catholic School Parents WA is the organisation that represents all Catholic parents and P & F’s at local, state and federal level, where required. Nominations for their ‘Awards for Excellence in Building Positive Catholic School Communities’ are now open until 1st September 2020. Anyone in the school community can nominate their Principal, P & F, Parent or Parish. For nominations and further information please go to: https://csp.wa.edu.au/awards-of-excellence or see the attached poster.
Sports Carnival
The P & F are again offering coloured hair spray (but not zinc due to COVID19) for a gold coin donation on the morning of the Sports Carnival. There will be more information on this closer to the date. We have also organised for a coffee van to be supplying hot drinks through-out the day.
Entertainment Books
The P & F continue to offer ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS. If you are interested, please visit https://www.entertainment.com.au/orderbooks/861g83. Proceeds go back to our school community.
Second-Hand Uniforms
If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Anita Andrews on 0412 866 588. The second-hand uniform shop is located next to the netball courts. Payments can be made by cash or direct deposit to the P & F account: (BSB: 066 167; AC: 105 100 78; Ref: “Uniform” + Receipt Number).
If you have any unwanted uniform items, please drop them into the office to be donated to our shop.
The second-hand uniform shop is operated by our parent volunteers, with proceeds going back to our school community.
School Banking
Did you know that when your child banks with School Banking, the P & F and the School benefit? Get involved and contact our School Banking Coordinator and parent volunteer, Amy, at thelams@iinet.net.au.
Don’t forget to bring your deposit wallets to school on Wednesday’s.
P & F Disco
P & F Disco will be on the 30th October. Please save the date. More details to come soon.
Next Meeting
Our NEXT MEETING will be on MONDAY 21st SEPTEMBER at 8:45am. If you would like an item raised at a P & F meeting, please let us know. Follow us on Facebook: Mary MacKillop P&F, or send us an e-mail at pandf@mmccps.wa.edu.au.
Wishing everyone a wonderful mid-term!
Alyce Hofmann-Fritz
P & F President 2020