This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 21 October to 04 November.

School News

Sep 1, 2021

2021 Book Fair – Reading Oasis

A sincere thank you to our families who came through our Scholastics Book Fair that was held recently. We sold over $6000 worth of books which has helped us to earn nearly $2000 to spend on Lexile reading books for our students’ home reading.

A special thank you to Dee Wright and Candice Ladd and their team who helped so much and to the generous Mary Mac staff members who also came in to help. All orders have now been delivered to the students.

The winners of the colouring competition were:

  • Kindy – Anna
  • PrePrimary – Hazel
  • Year 1 – Sarah-Rose
  • Year 2 – Isabella
  • Year 3 – Bianca
  • Year 4 – Sadie
  • Year 5 – Louise
  • Year 6 – Ryan

Congratulations to you all!

Mrs Glenister-Bielby


Library  News

Well, another Book Week has finished.  There are class photos on the Library windows if you would like to have a look at how great everyone looked.  A big thank you to everyone who participated in the Book Week Dress Up Day.  We also had two (2) incursions – Bigger, Better and Brighter – was performed on Monday for the PP – Y2 group and then on Wednesday we enjoyed an author visit – Gavin Aung Than – for the students in Y3 – Y6. 


MMCCPS Science Week

6th – 10th September 2021

The school theme for National Science Week 2021 is Food: Different by Design. It honours the United Nations International Year of Fruits and Vegetables and the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.

To help celebrate we are running two MMCCPS Science competitions. The first one is open to junior students from PP-Y2 and the second is open for Y3-6 students.

The junior classes will be designing a yummy salad and the upper classes will be looking at microscopic images of fruit and vegetables and matching their seeds.

We have some wonderful prizes to give away to one lucky winner in each grade.

All classes will get their competition entries in their Science class this week or you can pick one up from the Science room from Monday to Thursday.

We will also have some fruit and vegetables to observe and investigate. Students will have the opportunity to look at them closely with the microscopes and see how to play the piano with a banana!

On Tuesday 7th September, some of the Enrichment children will be showcasing a Science topic of their choice at our Science Expo. All classes will get a chance to go down to the hall to view the exhibits.

Additionally, we have organised a super exciting Science incursion with Science Alive for all the classes from PP-Y6.

Entries for the competition are due Wednesday 8th September.


Kindergarten 2022 Enrolment Applications

If you have a child born between 1st July 2017 – 30th June 2018, they are due to attend Kindergarten in 2022. Application forms are available at the office or online at our website

Please return application forms to the school office ASAP.

All sibling applications need to be lodged as enrolment process is now beginning.

We don’t want you to miss out.

Please note that our Kindergarten filled by July last year and we now have a waiting list


Canteen News

The new Term 3 CANTEEN MENU for 2021 is available on the MMCCPS website.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for Canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

You can visit to register.

Sylvia Iggleden
Canteen Manager


Uniform Shop                                                                                                  

Morning 8.00am-10.30am        

Afternoon  2.30pm-4pm


Uniform Shop Manager


Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews 0412 866588.


Mary Mackillop Netball Club

Our Year 6 team has made the finals again this year.

As you may know the team is made of both girls and boys from Year 6 and we have one Year 5 girl filling in for us.

The game will be at Kingsway this Saturday at 8.30am on court 19, the team will be playing Mindarie.

If you are free, and would like to attend, please feel free to come along and support our team.

Kind Regards

MMNC Committee


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