This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 21 October to 04 November.

School News

Sep 15, 2021

Faction Athletics Carnival

Last Monday on a perfect September day the school held its athletics carnival with McCormack the Champion Team on the day. With staff doing a wonderful job conducting the events and assistance from Mercy College and Servite College students, the day ran smoothly with a combination of individual and team game events for our children. Mr Power would like to thank staff for all their assistance and for parents who came along to support their children as they participated.

Final results: McCormack (1368), MacKillop (1246), McDonald (1004) and O’Sullivan (872).


Athletic Champions 

Congratulations to the following students who are Champions & Runner-up Champions for years 4,5 & 6 at the conclusion of our athletics this term. Boys and Girls championship points are awarded for A division track (100m, 400m) & field events (long jump, javelin & shot put) that are also conducted at interschool level plus hurdles. 




Anam Majak & Matur Matur 

Laura Young & Ari Lam 

Chenelle Fisher & Jacob Carlson 

Makayla Phan & Taj Daniel 

Shelley Chan & Kobe Lam 

Sascha Loncar & Carl Milner 


Interschool Athletics

The following students have been selected to represent Mary MacKillop at the CPSSA Interschool Athletics carnival. The carnival is to be held at the Joondalup Little Athletics Centre on FRIDAY 29th October.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the WA State Athletics Centre replacing their athletics track at this time the carnival venue has been changed for 2021.

Vinny Andrews

Andrew Bao

Mark Brown

Kaeden Borowy

Samuel Brown

Jacob Carlson

Jonah Casley

Shelley Chan

Shaela Clark

Bianca D’Souza

Peter D’Souza

Emma Dang

Taj Daniel

Jade Do

Ryan Etoum

Talia Etoum

Chenelle Fisher

Alessio Georgiades

Ava Iuliano

Tyson Jackson

Byron Jacques

Nikolaj Kerin

Anna Koshykovska

Ari Lam

Kobe Lam

Lachlan Lane

Sascha Loncar

Anam Majak

Matur Matur

Nicole Matur

Stella Midson

Carl Milner

Milla Morgan

Annabel Moyle

Eric Nguyen

Oscar Pellicciotti

Noah Pereira

Makayla Phan

Sasha Rowland

Ines Santos

Isabella Sciorsci

Michael Sciorsci

Iva Sotiroska

Natalie Thong

Laura Young



We hope that you all enjoyed the various activities that were on during Science Week last week. A special big thank you to all of the students who contributed to the amazing Science Exhibition that was on display in the hall. It really was a showcase of the incredible talent that we have here at MMCCPS. Also a thank you to those that entered either the ‘Salad Design’ or ‘ Seed Identification’ competitions. The standard of entries was fabulous. Congratulation goes to the following students for winning their year prize.

Pre Primary  Hazel de Jager-McIntosh

Year 1          Crystal Daquioag

Year 2          Oliver Gaudoin

Year 3          Stella Midson

Year 4          Stella Myint Swe

Year 5          Alyah Black

Year 6          Stella McGrath and Ivanko Biletskyy

Science Teachers

Barbara Stojkovski & Helen Jerkovich


Making Jesus Real at Mary MacKillop

Making Jesus Real (MJR) is a programme designed to foster a relationship with Jesus that is real to the students and relevant to their daily lives. MJR is centred around the belief that we are the image of Jesus to all people around us. We are His representatives, and our actions should reflect His values taught in the Gospel. Jesus told us that we are all part of His family and that the way we treat others should be reflective of the way we would treat Him.

MJR has a simple message – Jesus is part of our lives and can change the way we live; that we can make Jesus real through our daily actions and words. An important aspect of MJR is learning how to recognise Spirit of Jesus (SOJ) moments in an encounter with a friend, a cheerful greeting, a smile, a wink of encouragement, an offer of a helping hand or an unexpected compliment.

During recess and lunchtimes, our staff will be recognising students who demonstrate the Spirit of Jesus by awarding them with an MJR peg. These students will be acknowledged at our weekly Assembly and their photo will be taken and displayed in the undercover area on our MJR display board as an example of how we make Jesus real within our school community. Our Kindergarten students do not attend Assembly, however, they will also be identified for their SOJ moments and displayed proudly on our MJR board.

Students will also be learning about what is means to be a WESTIE. ‘W.E.S.T.I.E.’ is an acronym that provides a meaningful platform for students, teachers and parents to ‘live’ the values of MJR on a daily basis. The acronym stand for:

Welcoming – being friendly and welcoming to others

Encouraging – saying positive things to self and others

Saying Sorry – admitting personal wrong doing and taking steps to repair relationships

Thankful – showing appreciation to others

Inclusive – being inclusive in words and actions to others

Enthusiastic – showing a positive attitude towards school work, peers and teachers

We look forward to celebrating the many Spirit of Jesus moments that take place at Mary MacKillop every day.


Banana Run

What a wonderful effort last Friday from our families supporting Father Mark’s Banana Run, we collected $843.45 to help the homeless in Perth.



Congratulations to Aedan Latour (1G) on the arrival of his baby sister Evie.
Also a huge congratulations to Mary Brown (6B) on the arrival of little sister Courtney.

LEGO Brick Collection

This week, Woolworths Supermarket have commenced a Lego Brick incentive for every $30 spent in store.

We would gratefully accept any donations which will be used as part of our Lego Therapy program. Donations may be left at the front office, thank you in advance.


Kindergarten 2022 Enrolment Applications

If you have a child born between 1st July 2017 – 30th June 2018, they are due to attend Kindergarten in 2022. Application forms are available at the office or online at our website

Please return application forms to the school office ASAP.

All sibling applications need to be lodged as enrolment process is now beginning.

We don’t want you to miss out.

Please note that our Kindergarten filled by July last year and we now have a waiting list


Canteen News

The new Term 3 CANTEEN MENU for 2021 is available on the MMCCPS website.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for Canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

You can visit to register.

Sylvia Iggleden
Canteen Manager


Uniform Shop                                                                                                  

Morning 8.00am-10.30am        

Afternoon  2.30pm-4pm


Uniform Shop Manager


Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews 0412 866588.


P&F News

What a wonderfully epic month for the P & F! We hope that all the kids enjoyed giving a gift from the Father’s Day Stall and that all the Dad’s had a great Father’s Day. We hope that all the Father’s Day Raffle Winners enjoyed their prizes. We would like to thank Beyond tools, Bunnings Malaga and Carne Cucina Quality Butchers for supporting the school and donating our prizes.

We have our next meeting on Monday 20th September at 8:45am at the Penola Café for morning tea. Everyone is welcome to come. We will be planning the disco and we would love some fresh ideas and a bit of extra help to make sure it runs smoothly.


We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Read-a-thon. Everyone managed to raise over a huge $6000. This is a fantastic effort, the proceeds of this will be going to the library and literacy resources around the school.


What a great day it turned out to be. The day started with many students getting colourful hair for the sports carnival! It was a fantastic way to build momentum for the day and show support for the teams. A big thank you to everyone who helped get coloured hairspray on the students who visited us.

The sausage sizzle was a big hit at lunch time, we nearly sold out of the 500 hotdogs. We would like to give a massive thank you to Frank and James who cooked some great hotdogs for everyone to enjoy and thank Amy Lam for coming and helping during our mad rush at lunchtime. The sausages were from a local butcher Carne Cucina Quality Butchers.

EDU Dance

What a great performance put on by all the Gold classes, everyone did a terrific job.

Science Week

Congratulations to the winners of science week. We would also like to congratulate all the students who participated in the science enrichment program with their great displays, there are some budding scientists at the school.

Entertainment Books

The P & F continue to offer ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS. If you are interested, please visit Proceeds go back to our school community.

School Banking

Did you know that when your child banks with School Banking, not only do they learn about the value of money and build their savings, but the P & F and the School benefit? Your child earns interest on their savings account and is rewarded with prizes from the Rewards Program. Every time your child banks 10 times with a minimum deposit of 5c, the P & F receives $5. The P & F also receive a bonus for the number of students that bank in the year. So get involved and contact our School Banking Coordinators and parent volunteers: Amy Lam ( and Dee Wright (

Don’t forget to bring your deposit wallets to school on Wednesday’s.

P & F Disco

P & F Disco will be on the 29th October. Please save the date. More details to come soon.

Next Meeting

Our NEXT MEETING will be on MONDAY 20st SEPTEMBER at 8:45am at the Penola Café for morning tea. Feel free to come along to join in discussions regarding School Fundraising projects and family oriented programs. Follow us on Facebook: Mary MacKillop P&F, or send us an e-mail at

Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe school holidays.

Candice Ladd
P & F President 2021


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