Interschool Athletics
CPSSA B DIVISION INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2021 – LATEST AMENDMENT PLEASE NOTE: The WA State Athletics Centre will now be the venue for this carnival after postponing work to replace the athletics track at this time.
All details are as previously advised.
FRIDAY 29th October Time: 8:45am-2:15pm.
Transport: Students will be departing school via bus at 7:40am. Please arrive at school by 7:30am. Students will return to school via bus at the end of the carnival. All participating students will be provided with a school athletics singlet next week to be worn at the carnival.
School Fees
The final SCHOOL FEE payment is due this Friday, 15th October.
Library News
This week I have a fiction book for you. The title is
‘The secret library of Hummingbird House’ by Julianne Negri.
“Hattie Maxwell is trying to make sense of her life since the Big Split.”
It used to be the four of them – Mum, Dad, Ivy and Hattie – against the universe.
This book is now on display in the Library.
LEGO Brick Collection
Woolworths Supermarket have commenced a Lego Brick incentive for every $30 spent in store.
We would gratefully accept any donations which will be used as part of our Lego Therapy program. Donations may be left at the front office, thank you in advance.
Canteen News
The new Term 4 CANTEEN MENU for 2021 is available on the MMCCPS website.
The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for Canteen orders. This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.
You can visit to register.
Sylvia Iggleden
Canteen Manager
Kindergarten 2022 Enrolment Applications
If you have a child born between 1st July 2017 – 30th June 2018, they are due to attend Kindergarten in 2022. Application forms are available at the office or online at our website
Please return application forms to the school office ASAP.
All sibling applications need to be lodged as enrolment process is now beginning.
We don’t want you to miss out.
Please note that our Kindergarten filled by July last year and we now have a waiting list
Canteen News
The new Term 4 CANTEEN MENU for 2021 is available on the MMCCPS website.
The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for Canteen orders. This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.
You can visit to register.
Sylvia Iggleden
Canteen Manager
Uniform Shop
Morning 8.00am-10.30am
Afternoon 2.30pm-4pm
Uniform Shop Manager
Second-Hand Uniforms
If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews 0412 866588.
P&F News
Welcome back to Term 4. I hope everyone has had a great break. Our next meeting was to be on Monday 18th October, however, this meeting has now been cancelled. The next meeting will be on Monday 15th of November at 8.45am. This will be just before our AGM where we will be looking for executive and general members to join the committee. If you are interested in joining the P & F for 2022 or would like to know more information about what the roles involve, please contact us on the Facebook page or email
Entertainment Books
The P & F continue to offer ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS. If you are interested, please visit Proceeds go back to our school community.
P & F Second-Hand Uniform Shop
If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Anita Andrews on 0412866588. The second-hand uniform shop is located next to the netball courts. Payments can be made by cash or direct deposit to the P & F account: (BSB: 066 167; AC: 105 100 78; Ref: “Uniform” + Receipt Number).
If you have any unwanted uniform items, please drop them into the office to be donated to our shop.
The second-hand uniform shop is operated by our parent volunteers, with proceeds going back to our school community.
School Banking
Did you know that when your child banks with School Banking, not only do they learn about the value of money and build their savings, but the P & F and the School benefit? Your child earns interest on their savings account and is rewarded with prizes from the Rewards Program. Every time your child banks 10 times with a minimum deposit of 5c, the P & F receives $5. The P & F also receive a bonus for the number of students that bank in the year. So get involved and contact our School Banking Coordinators and parent volunteers: Amy Lam ( and Dee Wright (
Don’t forget to bring your deposit wallets to school on Wednesdays.
P & F Disco
P & F Disco will be on the 29th October. Please save the date. More details to come soon.
P & F President 2021