This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 1

Oct 13, 2021

Dear Parents

Welcome back to the final term of the year. It promises to be another busy and productive one here at Mary Mac. I would like to start the term on a big positive by congratulating Jhouella Vo in Year 6 for receiving a certificate for an outstanding performance in the Primary Instrumental Solo (Strings) section of the Performing Arts Festival. You don’t often see this award given so it is a huge accolade to Jhouella. It acknowledges all the hours of dedicated practice she has put in. Congratulations Jhouella. We are all very proud of you!

Gratitude Reflection The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. Seneca

Playground Upgrades As you can see, there have once again been significant improvements made to our school facilities. The netball courts have received a new fence around them, and they will be resurfaced within the next week or two. The senior toilet block is also being completely refitted with new toilets, sinks, tiles and paint which will be a whole lot nicer for the senior students. I’m hoping they will be ready by the start of next week. You may have noticed that the small fence along the front driveway has been replaced as have the banner poles. We have also replaced the tiles on the roof of the junior toilets with Colorbond. All this work brings a sense of pride to our beautiful school as we endeavour to provide our students with the best resources we can. I would like to acknowledge Sue Haynes and the School Advisory Council for their support with these projects.

Bishop Don Visit Bishop Don Sproxton will be spending some time in our parish over the coming days and weeks, and he will be keen to come into the school to meet the staff and students. He will come to the assembly next Friday to speak to everyone. It will be wonderful having one of our bishops in our community. Bishop Don is a wonderful man and is very supportive of all that we do here.

School Advisory Council The next meeting will be held on Monday 25 October from 6pm.

School Disco The P&F are putting the final touches on this year’s disco which will be held on Friday 29 October from 5.30pm. Once again, it will be an outdoor disco held on the oval. I’m looking forward to seeing as many students as possible coming along to the final P&F function for the year.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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