This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 21 October to 04 November.

School News

May 18, 2022

Keeping Safe Program

As part of the Child Safe Framework in Catholic schools in Western Australia, every child participates in a protective education program in their classes. The purpose is to equip your children with personal safety skills and awareness that will help them to stay safe throughout life.
There are two main themes of the Keeping Safe program:
1. We all have the right to be safe
2. We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust
Children will be taught in age-appropriate ways to recognise abuse, to tell a trusted adult if they feel unsafe or are worried, to understand what inappropriate touching is, and how they can keep themselves safe. Part of keeping safe will involve building a safety network of trusted adults in their life who they can talk to.
During term 2 the focus area is on relationships. Your children will be learning about their rights and responsibilities, identity and relationships, power in relationships, and trust and networks. If you would like further information please speak with your child’s teacher or one of our school social workers, Lisa Mueller or Kaushalya Lalji. More information can also be found on the Keeping Safe website:

The Key To Your Child’s Heart (7 Ways It Works)

Write this word on your hand. It’s a magical way to connect with a child of any age, can ease tears and tantrums and even prevent them. It’s a simple but surprisingly challenging thing to do, particularly tough to remember in the heat the moment…


Before you tell your child that it’s time to leave the park, or remind him that the really cool truck he’s examining has to stay at the store, acknowledge his point of view. Acknowledge your child’s feelings and wishes, even if they seem ridiculous, irrational, self-centered or wrong. This is not the same as agreeing, and is definitely not indulgent or allowing an undesirable behavior.
Acknowledging isn’t condoning our child’s actions; it’s validating the feelings behind them. It’s a simple, profound way to reflect our child’s experience and inner self. It demonstrates our understanding and acceptance. It sends a powerful, affirming message… Every thought, desire, feeling — every expression of your mind, body and heart — is perfectly acceptable, appropriate and lovable.
Acknowledging is simple, but it isn’t easy. It’s counter-intuitive for most of us, even when we’ve done it thousands of times. Won’t acknowledging our child’s wishes make matters worse? Won’t saying “I know how much you want an ice cream cone like the one your friend has and it does look yummy, but we won’t be having dessert until later” make our toddler hold on to the idea longer, cry harder? Wouldn’t it be better to dismiss or downplay the child’s feelings, distract, redirect or say:”Oh, sweetie, not now”?

Our fears about an honest acknowledgement of the situation “making things worse” are almost always unfounded. Feeling heard and understood allows children to release the feelings, let go and move on.

Library  News

Writing  competition

Make  your  own  story  book

Closing  date  Friday  10  June  2022

Entries are to be sent to Westbooks by 5.00pm. 

The address and additional information is on the form.

Forms are available from the Library or from the link below


Kindy Enrolments

If you have a child turning 4 years of age between 1st July 2022 and the 30th June 2023, they will be eligible to attend Kindergarten in 2023. Please put your enrolment form into the school office asap. We will be starting enrolments for Kindy 2023 in the next week.

Canteen News

The new Semester 1 CANTEEN MENU for 2022 is available on the MMCCPS website or alternatively if you require a hard copy, at the office or canteen. Please refer to this new menu ONLY, as many changes have taken place, with freshly made products.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

 You can visit to register.

Canteen tokens are available to purchase from the office or canteen at a cost of $32 per sheet. Lunch/recess order bags are available from the canteen, 20 bags for $1.  Please ensure your child’s name and correct class are written clearly on bags. Separate bags must be written for recess and lunch. PLEASE DO NOT USE STICKY TAPE OR STAPLES TO SECURE LUNCH BAGS.

All lunch/recess orders must be placed in classroom baskets before the class commences. They will then be taken to the canteen.  If your child is late, they are to take the lunch order directly to the canteen.

All prepaid drink orders from Yrs 1-6 are to be collected by your child at the canteen with their lunch order bags as proof of purchase.

Ice creams are then sold after the students are dismissed from eating their lunch. If ice creams are pre-ordered, the bag must be shown at the canteen when picking up the ice cream.  

Please note, your child can purchase a drink or ice cream without pre-ordering if they have money.

Parents, please do not allow your children to buy icecreams for their friends and no large amounts of money should not be given to them.  Thank you for your co operation in this matter.

If you wish to volunteer in the canteen please come and see me, we would love your help.

If you have any queries, please come and see either myself or Kath and we will be happy to help.

Sylvia Iggleden.

Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews on 0412866588.


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