This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 2, Week 11

Jun 30, 2021

Dear Parents

We have finally made it to the end of a very long and busy term with an unfortunate lockdown thrown in at the end to make it interesting! Thank you for your ongoing support of our community and all that we do to provide your children with the best education possible. As announced in the past two newsletters, we have had to change the date of our whole staff professional development day next term. Please note that school will now commence for all students on Monday 19 July. The day that was originally planned has been moved to Friday 13 August which will now be the pupil free day. I will send a further reminder next term. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding. We do live in a time where the only constant thing seems to be change, as shown by the latest COVID restrictions.

Gratitude Reflection Take full account of what excellencies you possess, and in gratitude remember how you would hanker after them, if you had them not. Marcus Aurelius

Reports The reports went out on Monday this week. I personally read all of them and wrote a comment on each one. I was very impressed with the overall standard and the efforts our students have put into this semester. I am looking forward to another successful semester when we return on 19 July.

Staffing Update At the end of this week, we say goodbye to two long time staff members who have both decided to retire. After a combined 44 years of service, Mrs Denise Ricciardi and Mrs Leonie Bombardieri will move onto the next phase of their lives. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for their many years of outstanding service to our community. They both will be sadly missed. Mrs Nataliya Liakishev will be replacing Leonie and Mrs Gen Gethin will continue on Fridays each week in the St Joseph Centre replacing Denise.

Uniform Shop Survey Results Thank you to all parents who responded to this survey. We had a high number of you completing the survey and the results showed that around 80% of you wanted the uniform shop to remain on school grounds at the same times it currently operates from. I have informed Nell Gray of these results and they have agreed to keep things as they are. Please note, they will not be operating at the Inglewood store next January or any other holiday period. You can still purchase uniforms on line as you currently do. They can be delivered to your home by courier, or you can pick them up from the front office here, or your child can bring them home as well. Thanks for your feedback!

NAIDOC Week Mass Due to the latest COVID restrictions, we have had to move this Mass forward to the first Thursday next term. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to attend. The NAIDOC Day activities planned for this Thursday have also been moved forward to the new date. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2022 Please be mindful that we filled this year’s classes in July last year. The enrolments for next year are looking just as strong. If you have a younger sibling who is due to start school next year, please let the office know immediately. I would hate for one of our own families to miss out. I take this opportunity to wish everyone a well deserved break as we prepare for the second half of the year.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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