This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 22 October to 05 November.

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 5

Nov 10, 2021

Dear Parents

On Monday 22 November, we will hold our Annual Community Meeting in the hall for the School Advisory Council and the P&F. The names have changed slightly as the Board is now referred to as the School Advisory Council and the AGM is now an ACM. This is all because CEWA became incorporated a couple of years ago and we are now a company. The Catholic Education Commission is now the Board for the whole system. However, we still want to engage with our parents, but it is  more in an advisory role as the CEWA Board now makes the larger financial decisions for the schools. There won’t be an election for the School Advisory Council this year. However, the P&F are very keen to get more members. The P&F plays a critical role in our community by their friend raising and to a lesser degree, fund raising, activities. All of this helps make our community the great place that it is. We are Christ centred and child focused and all the things we do are ultimately for the benefit of our beautiful students. Please feel free to come along to these meetings. They are fairly brief, and nibbles and drinks will be provided at the beginning. We will make an early start at 5.15pm and it should be finished by 7.00pm.

Gratitude Reflection Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Interschool Athletics Carnival Congratulations to our talented interschool athletes who competed to the best of their abilities a couple of weeks ago. Our school came third overall which is one of our best performances for a few years. Also, this Friday, our Year 5 students will be competing at the interschool level in tennis and cricket carnivals. We wish them well. Thanks once again to Mr Power for organising our teams so well. He will be sending all the relevant details home to the students competing.

Remembrance Day Every year at 11am on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, all Australians pause for a few minutes to remember our brave men and women who have served our country in times of war. This is not a celebration. Rather, it is a time to honour their sacrifices and to think about living in peace and harmony. There are still many conflicts around the world today where people are suffering from the devastating effects of war. Many of these people end up as refugees and continue to suffer for years to come. We offer our prayers for these people and for our leaders who make decisions which affect so many lives.

Kindergarten Orientation On Thursday 18 November we will be holding our annual orientation day for new families and existing families. For existing families, your timeslot is 9.00am to 9.45am. For new families, theirs is 10.00am to 10.45am. We still have a few spots left and I am sure there are still a couple of families who have siblings coming next year but haven’t let us know yet. Please contact the front office immediately if that is your child as we don’t want them to miss out.

Annual Awards Ceremony and Volunteers Morning Tea This important event will be held on Wednesday 24 November at 9.00am in our hall. It is a special time to acknowledge many of our students for their excellent achievements throughout the year. It is also a time where we can thank our many volunteers who have contributed in some way towards making our community the place that it is. We are always grateful for anything that our amazing volunteers can offer. If you have volunteered in any way, please note the date in your diary and join us for morning tea in the staffroom after the awards ceremony.

Yours sincerely
Laurie Bechelli

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