This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 21 October to 04 November.

P&F News

Mar 24, 2021

Our school community at Mary Mac is fantastic!

Morning Teas

It was great to see so many parents at the year group MORNING TEAS. There were lots of great conversations and connections made. Thank you!

P & F Easter Raffle & Colouring in Competition

The annual P & F EASTER RAFFLE & COLOURING IN COMPETITION has begun! A note has gone home with raffle tickets and a colouring-in competition. We have already received a number of raffle tickets and competition submissions so don’t miss out! Donations of Easter themed items (Easter eggs/bunnies, Easter crafts etc.) can be brought into classrooms up until Friday 26th March. Raffle ticket sales and colouring in competition submissions are also due Friday 26th March. Winners will be announced on Thursday 1st April (Wednesday 31st April for Kindy). Thank you for your support!

Class Representatives

We are still looking for class reps for Kindy B, Kindy G, PPB, PPG, 3B, 6B, 6G. It’s a really easy way to do your little bit for your child’s class and the school community. Fill out the form outside your child’s classroom or send us a message on Facebook. A massive thank you to all those parents who have already become class reps. We are so appreciative of your input and help!

Entertainment Books

The P & F are again offering families Entertainment Books this year. There are no hard cover books anymore and all Entertainment Books are now digital. If you are interested, please visit or send us an e-mail and we can send you the link. There are more details on the March offer below. Proceeds go back to our school community.

The P&F Secondhand Uniform Shop

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Anita Andrews on 0412 866 588. If you have any unwanted uniform items, please drop them into the office to be donated to our shop. The second-hand uniform shop is operated by our parent volunteers, with proceeds going back to our school community.

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Mary MacKillop P&F, or send us an e-mail at

Thank you

P & F 2021

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