This Issue

Important Dates

Nothing from 21 October to 04 November.

School News

Jun 16, 2021

Library  News

We are now in Week 9, and it is the second last week for borrowing.  Please return all books by the end of term.  If you would like to know if your child/ren have books to return, please contact me.


School Cross Country Carnival 

All students in Years 3 to 6 will be participating in the annual MMCCPS Faction Cross Country Carnival on Friday, 18th June at Allington Park, located opposite the school on Cassowary Drive.  

The order of events will be:  


Year Group  



Year 5 Girls & Boys  



Year 6 Girls & Boys  



Year 4 Girls & Boys  



Year 3 Girls & Boys  



The cross country event will also be used to select students to represent our school at the Catholic Primary Schools Cross Country Carnival to be held on Tuesday 27th July 2021.   

Students have been learning about concepts such as pacing and aerobic fitness during their Physical Education classes this term.  Whilst the students are aware that long distance running events such as Cross Country are better suited to some students over others, they are all expected to participate and try their best.  


Eagles Cup Day 

Last Thursday Year 6 students competed at the Eagles Cup day playing Football, Soccer and Netball against students from Aranmore, St Columba’s, St Kieran and St Peter’s Catholic schools. While the weather forecast was for showers, the day was relatively dry and all students had a great time representing Mary MacKillop CCPS. Our No. 1 soccer team was successful in winning the competition winning three games and having a draw in the other. Our football team won four games before losing their final game to finish second. I would like to especially thank Mr Ferraloro, Mr Dalglish and Mr Carlson who gave up their time to coach these teams on the day. I would also like to thank the class teachers for their assistance on the day and with training during this term. 

Our teams will next compete in the WINTER CARNIVAL on 24 JUNE. Parents are most welcome to come and support our students on the sideline or assisting where able. If you are able to assist with one of our netball teams please contact myself or the Year Six teachers. 

Mr. Power


School Counsellor

I often meet with parents who have had the difficult task of picking up the pieces after their child has had their feelings deeply hurt or has been shattered when life threw them a curve ball. I remember many times when my own children experienced disappointments and the strong urge that I felt to just try to fix the situation for them! It’s not easy as a parent to sit back and allow our kids to feel the disappointment, and then be there to help them to let it go.  I hope that these tips from Maggie Dent will be helpful for you! Maggie Dent is a parenting expert who is well known for her good sense of humour and very practical, no nonsense approach to parenting.

Lisa Mueller
Social Worker

Maggie Dent’s tips to help you build disappointment ‘smarts’ in your kids:

 Always validate how it sucks and feels unpleasant.

  • Don’t avoid or minimise the emotions that arise.
  • Teach strategies to shift the emotional energy – deep breaths, walking, patting the dog, playing music.
  • Ask how can you make it right? Celebrate effort and persistence.
  • Ask, do you need my help?
  • Remind them of previous moments of disappointment that they have overcome.
  • Remind them about learning to be stronger and grittier.
  • Choose an affirmation that works “I have got this” or “I am, I can, I will,” or “I am more than this…”
  • Reassure them of your love for them which does not change when things go badly – You love them always and forever – no matter what.
  • Accepting, understanding and even appreciating the role disappointment can play in raising a competent, confident, resilient child might not be something you have pondered on before.

We cannot leave it to chance to raise our children to believe that this rollercoaster ride we call life will ever be a peaceful field of daisies without any prickles. Feeling disappointed in ourselves or in our lives, or in the world around us is normal because we are human. There is no perfect. The more that we can armour up our children with helpful information, strategies and a ‘get back on the horse’ mentality, the more we increase their chances of living meaningful, successful lives.

Remember, persistence and practice can improve performance and failure is just a part of life, not a sign that we are lousy parents.                                                                         

Maggie Dent


Kindergarten 2022 Enrolment Applications

If you have a child born between 1st July 2017 – 30th June 2018, they are due to attend Kindergarten in 2022. Application forms are available at the office or online at our website

Please return application forms to the school office ASAP.

All sibling applications need to be lodged as enrolment process is now beginning.

We don’t want you to miss out.

Please note that our Kindergarten filled by July last year and we now have a waiting list


Canteen News

The new Term 2 CANTEEN MENU for 2021 is available on the MMCCPS website.

The canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. To alleviate using money, Mary MacKillop Catholic Community Primary School has an online ordering system for Canteen orders.  This enables a more efficient and effective service available to you and your family.

You can visit to register.

Sylvia Iggleden
Canteen Manager


Uniform Shop                                                                                                  

Morning 8.00am-10.30am        

Morning 8.30am-10.30am  


Uniform Shop Manager


Second-Hand Uniforms

If you would like to purchase any second-hand uniforms, please contact Mrs Anita Andrews 0412 866588.

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