This Issue

Important Dates

  • 01 September

    Father's Day

  • 03 September

    2.15-2.45 Hymn Singing

  • 04 September

    NO PLC Meeting

  • 05 September

    Yr 6 Class Mass (Reconciliation following Mass Yr 6)

  • 06 September

    PD Berry Street

  • 06 September

    Pupil Free Day

  • 13 September

    Edu Dance Classes

  • 13 September

    Assembly 8.35am Years

From the Principal  – Term 4, Week 1

From the Principal – Term 4, Week 1

Welcome back to the final term of the year. I can’t believe where the year has gone! It certainly has been a very different year filled with major disruptions, but to everyone’s credit, we have managed to work through it.

School News

School News

  • Faction Athletics Carnival
  • Interschool Athletics Carnival
  • Uniform Shop
  • Canteen News
P&F News

P&F News

  • Final P & F Meeting
  • P & F Disco
  • Cards that Count
  • Entertainment Books
  • P & F Second Hand Uniform Shop
  • School Banking
  • Next Meeting
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